Article I. Incorporation; Form of Government; Boundaries
   1.01   Incorporation
   1.02   Form of government
   1.03   Boundaries
Article II. Powers of the City
   2.01   Powers of the City
   2.02   Eminent domain
   2.03   Alteration and extension of boundaries
   2.04   Annexation procedures
   2.05   Disannexation
Article III. City Council
   3.01   General powers and duties
   3.02   Qualifications
   3.03   Composition; eligibility; election and terms
   3.04   Mayor
   3.05   Compensation; expenses
   3.06   Prohibitions
   3.07   Vacancies; forfeiture of office; filling of vacancies
   3.08   Judge of qualifications
   3.09   Investigations
   3.10   Independent audit
   3.11   Procedure
   3.12   Action requiring an ordinance
   3.13   Ordinances in general
   3.14   Emergency ordinances
   3.15   Codes of technical regulations
   3.16   Authentication and recording; codification; printing
Article IV. City Administration
   4.01   City Manager
   4.02   Duties of the City Manager
   4.03   City Secretary
   4.04   City Attorney
   4.05   Municipal Court
   4.06   Bonds for City employees
Article V. Financial Procedures
   5.01   Fiscal year
   5.02   Submission of budget and budget message
   5.03   Budget message
   5.04   Budget
   5.05   City Council action on budget
   5.06   Budget amendments after adoption
   5.07   Lapse of appropriations
   5.08   Capital program
   5.09   Public records
   5.10   Purchase procedures
   5.11   Accounting and reporting procedures
   5.12   Authority to issue bonds
   5.13   Authority to levy taxes
   5.14   Collection of taxes
Article VI. Elections
   6.01   Regular elections
   6.02   Qualified voters
   6.03   Regulations of elections
   6.04   Filing for office
   6.05   Election by majority
   6.06   Prohibition
Article VII. Initiative; Referendum; and Recall
   7.01   Initiative
   7.02   Referendum by voters
   7.03   Consideration by Council
   7.04   Referendum by City Council
   7.05   Submission to voters
   7.06   Results of election
   7.07   Publication of initiative and referendum ordinances
   7.08   Recall
   7.09   Form of recall petition
   7.10   Public hearing on recall petition
   7.11   Recall election
   7.12   Ballots for recall election
   7.13   Results of recall election
   7.14   Limitation on recall
   7.15   Failure of Council to call an election
   7.16   Forms of petition
   7.17   Amendment of petition
Article VIII. Franchises and Public Utilities
   8.01   Power to grant franchise
   8.02   Franchise extensions
   8.03   Transfer of franchise
   8.04   Option to purchase
   8.05   Regulation of franchise
   8.06   Franchise records
Article IX. General Provisions
   9.01   Conflict of interest
   9.02   Nepotism
   9.03   Oath of office
   9.04   Planning and Zoning Commission
   9.05   Prohibition
   9.06   Public records
   9.07   Claims against the City
   9.08   Liens; assignment; execution; and garnishment
   9.09   Severability and translation
   9.10   Charter amendment
Article X. Transitional Provisions
   10.01   Officers and employees
   10.02   Pending matters
   10.03   Effect on existing law
   10.04   Temporary ordinances
Article XI. Submission of Charter to Voters