A Mayor shall be elected to a four (4) year term. The next Mayoral election after the approval of this charter shall be conducted during the regular election designated in May, 2010. Thereafter, a Mayoral election shall take place every four (4) years during the May regular election as designated by the State. The Mayor shall be a member of the City Council and shall preside at meetings of the City Council, represent the City in intergovernmental relationships, appoint, with the advice and consent of the City Council, members of citizen advisory boards and commissions, to include, but not limited to a Zoning Commission, a Planning Commission, and a Board of Adjustments, present an annual State of the City message, and perform other duties specified by the City Council.
   The Mayor shall be recognized as head of the City government for all ceremonial purposes and by the Governor for purposes of military law but shall have no administrative duties. The City Council shall elect one (1) of its members as Mayor Pro-Tem who shall perform the duties of Mayor in the absence or temporary inability of the Mayor to perform the duties of office, and who shall for such time be vested with all of the powers belonging to the Mayor. In the case of the absence of both the Mayor and the Mayor Pro-Tem, the remaining Council members shall select one (1) of their members to act in the place of the Mayor. The Mayor Pro-Tem shall be selected after each election and shall serve for a period to be determined by the City Council. The Mayor Pro-Tem is subject to removal as Mayor Pro-Tem at any time by a majority vote of the entire City Council.