(A)   Powers of the City. The City of Palmview shall be a home rule city and shall have the power to ordain and establish such acts, laws, rules, regulations, resolutions, and ordinances not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas and of this Charter, and shall be required for the government, interest, health, welfare and good order of said City and its inhabitants. Under the name of the City of Palmview, it shall be known in law and have succession and be capable of contracting and being contracted with, and, being suing, impleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, in all courts and tribunals and in all amounts, whatsoever, subject to the laws of the State of Texas, or which shall hereafter be passed.
   The City of Palmview shall have the power to take, hold, lease, grant, purchase and convey such real property or mixed property or estate, situated within, or without, the limits thereof, as the purpose of said corporation may require and shall have and use a corporate seal, and change and renew the same at pleasure.
   (B)   Rights Reserved. All suits, taxes, penalties, fines, forfeitures and all other rights, claims and demands, of every kind and character, which have accrued under the laws in favor of said City, heretofore in force governing the same, shall belong to and vest in said City and shall not abate by reason of the adoption of this Charter, and shall be prosecuted and collected for the use and the benefit of said City of Palmview and shall not be in any manner affected by the taking effect of this Charter; but as to all of such rights, the laws under which they shall have accrued, shall be deemed to be in full force and effect.
   (C)   Local Self-Government. The City of Palmview shall possess and may exercise the full power of local self-government. It may hold, by gift, deed, devise, or otherwise any character of property, including any charitable or trust fund and subject to and within the limits of superior law may act in perpetual succession as a body politic.
   (D)   Other Powers. For greater certainty, the following are hereby especially enumerated and referred to as being among the other powers which are hereby conferred upon and which may be exercised by the City of Palmview, to wit:
      1.   all powers conferred upon cities and towns by Title 22, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1911, except as may hereafter be denied, limited, or extended, are hereby conferred upon the City of Palmview as fully and completely as if such powers where herein separately enumerated;
      2.   all powers conferred upon home rule cities by Chpt. 13, Title 28, Art. 1175, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, except as may hereinafter be denied, limited or extended, are hereby conferred upon the City of Palmview as fully and completely as if such powers where herein separately enumerated; and,
      3.   all powers, privileges and immunities conferred upon cities of more than five thousand (5,000) inhabitants by Section 4, Chpt. 147, Acts of the 33rd Legislature, General Laws Regular Session, at page 310 to 316, entitled, “An Act Authorizing Cities Having More Than Five Thousand Inhabitants, By A Majority Vote Of The Qualified Voters Of Said City, And An Election Held For The Purpose To Adopt And Amend Their Charters: etc.”, and such powers are hereby conferred upon the City of Palmview as fully and completely as if each of said mentioned powers where herein separately enumerated; but enumeration of special powers herein, or in the statutes referred to, shall not be held, or construed to preclude the City from exercising all powers of local government not inhibited by the Constitution and the laws of the State of Texas, or by special limitations in this Charter contained, the purpose of this Charter being to enlarge upon the power extended by the general laws of cities incorporated thereunder, and to secure to the City of Palmview, all the powers conferred by the Constitution and the laws of this State upon cities having more than five thousand (5,000) inhabitants.