A.   Unlawful Deposits In Containers: It shall be prohibited for any person, responsible party, operator, resident, occupant, or entity or any agent, or representative thereof, to deposit any solid waste in any solid waste container other than in a solid waste container either owned by the depositor, or profitably and lawfully leased by the depositor. (Ord. 1990-86, 6-13-1990)
   B.   Prohibited Materials; Cost Of Removing: No person, occupant, responsible party, resident, operator, or entity shall obtain or attempt to obtain city collection of solid waste or other substances or materials herein declared not subject to collection. Each such separate attempt by such offending parties shall constitute a separate offense of this provision. The cost to the city for retrieving such substances or materials from the collection vehicle or from the city disposal site and/or for cleaning up the collection vehicle or disposal site, shall be chargeable to the responsible party for the solid waste collection account for the residence, dwelling or premises where such substances or materials were placed for collection, or where actually collected. (Ord. 1990-86, 6-13-1990; amd. 2015 Code)
   C.   Violation: Violation of any subsection of this section or any provision adopted by the city council shall constitute a misdemeanor, and each violation shall constitute a separate offense. (Ord. 1990-86, 6-13-1990)