For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the definitions herein set out, the word "shall" is always mandatory:
LICENSE: A formal written permission issued pursuant to ordinances of the city of Oxford, Iowa, to any person to sell, offer for sale, or solicit for the sale of any goods in any manner set out herein.
PEDDLER: Any person who carries in his possession goods or merchandise which he sells, or offers for sale, with immediate delivery, when such sale or offer to sell is made from house to house or upon the public streets, within the limits of the city of Oxford, Iowa.
SOLICIT: The sale or offer for sale by a solicitor of any goods or merchandise by taking orders therefor with delivery at a future date, and is one who attempts to solicit from house to house, or upon the public streets, within the limits of the city of Oxford, Iowa.
TRANSIENT MERCHANT: Any person who engages in a temporary or itinerant merchandising business and in the course of the business hires, leases or occupies any building or structure within the limits of the city of Oxford, Iowa. To be temporarily associated with any local merchant, dealer, trader, or conduct any business in connection therewith, shall not exempt said person from being considered a transient merchant within this chapter. (Ord. 11, 4-16-1970)