In addition to the general floodplain standards, uses within the floodway must meet the following applicable standards. The floodway is that portion of the floodplain which must be protected from developmental encroachment to allow the free flow of floodwaters. Where floodway data has been provided in the flood insurance study, such data shall be used to define the floodway. Where no floodway data has been provided, the department of natural resources shall be contacted to provide a floodway delineation. The applicant will be responsible for providing the department of natural resources with sufficient technical information to make such determination.
   A.   No use shall be permitted in the floodway that would result in any increase in the 100-year flood level. Consideration of the effects of any development on flood levels shall be based upon the assumption that an equal degree of development would be allowed for similarly situated lands.
   B.   All uses within the floodway shall:
      1.   Be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
      2.   Use construction methods and practices that will minimize flood damage.
      3.   Use construction materials and utility equipment that are resistant to flood damage.
   C.   No use shall affect the capacity or conveyance of the channel or floodway of any tributary to the main stream, drainage ditch or any other drainage facility or system.
   D.   Structures, buildings and sanitary and utility systems, if permitted, shall meet the applicable general floodplain standards and shall be constructed or aligned to present the minimum possible resistance to flood flows.
   E.   Buildings, if permitted, shall have a low flood damage potential and shall not be for human habitation.
   F.   Storage of materials or equipment that are buoyant, flammable, explosive or injurious to human, animal or plant life is prohibited. Storage of other material may be allowed if readily removable from the floodway within the time available after flood warning.
   G.   Watercourse alterations or relocation (channel changes and modifications) must be designed to maintain the flood carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion. In addition, such alterations or relocations must be approved by the department of natural resources.
   H.   Any fill allowed in the floodway must be shown to have some beneficial purpose and shall be limited to the minimum amount necessary.
   I.   Pipeline river or stream crossings shall be buried in the stream bed and banks or otherwise sufficiently protected to prevent rupture due to channel degradation and meandering or due to the action of flood flows. (Ord. 2002-104, 8-27-2002)