   (A)   The position of police officer for the city is hereby created.
   (B)   Said officer shall be a resident of the county, at least 21 years of age and a high school graduate.
   (C)   Said officer shall take the oath of office prescribed by § 228 of the Constitution of the state within 30 days after receiving notification of appointment and the oath of office shall also comply with KRS 62.040 and Chapter 95.
   (D)   The annual salary of police officer shall be as established by ordinance.
   (E)   The Mayor may appoint special or extra police. These special or extra police, appointed for less than one week, shall take the oath prescribed by law, but shall not be required to execute bond.
(Prior Code, § 35.03) (Ord. 430, passed 4-26-1982; Ord. 449, passed 3-6-1984; Ord. 516, passed 2-6-1990)
   The position of part-time police officer shall be an employee position. The salary of said part-time police officers of the city shall be established by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 35.04) (Ord. 516, passed 2-6-1990)
   (A)   The officers of the city’s Police Department may collect the same fee as the County Sheriff for execution of warrants of arrest, service of processes, subpoenas and attachments, pursuant to KRS Chapter 95.
   (B)   All fees collected from such service shall be paid into the General Fund of the city.
(Prior Code, § 35.05) (Ord. 555, passed 9-7-1993)
   (A)   The part-time nonelected office of Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department is hereby created.
   (B)   Said office shall be filled by nomination by the Mayor with the concurrence of the City Council.
   (C)   The term of said office shall be two years beginning on the first Monday in January of each even-numbered year and until a successor is appointed and qualified.
   (D)   Said officer shall be a resident of the county.
   (E)   It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department to manage and operate the Volunteer Fire Department and see that fires within the city are fought as promptly and properly as reasonably possible; assign duties to members of the Department; see that fire school and training practices are conducted; together with the Police Chief to see that traffic is controlled in the vicinity of a fire; see that equipment provided for the Department is properly maintained; and to recommend to the Mayor the purchase of such firefighting equipment as he or she deems necessary or advisable.
   (F)   (1)   The Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department shall receive $500 per year for expenses in lieu of salary.
      (2)   Compensation shall be paid annually unless there is a change of personnel in the position of Fire Chief. If a change should occur, compensation shall, at that time, be prorated and paid appropriately.
   (G)   After the Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department serves the first year of the appointed term, and upon recommendation of the Mayor and approval of the City Council, the amount he or she shall receive may be increased by an amount up to $200 per month. This amount would be in lieu of the amount provided in division (F) above. Upon the appointment of a new Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department, the amount to be received for expenses shall revert to the amount provided in division (F) above.
(Prior Code, § 35.15) (Ord. 433, passed 4-26-1982; Ord. 491, passed 4-6-1988; Ord. 576, passed 1-9-1995; Ord. 654, passed 8-2-2005; Ord. 688, passed 10-5-2010)