   There is hereby created a Police Department of the city.
(Prior Code, § 35.01) (Ord. 157, passed 1-4-1939)
   (A)   The full-time position office of Police Chief of the city is hereby created.
   (B)   Said office shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor; City Council approval is not required.
   (C)   Said officer shall be a resident of the county, at least 21 years of age, a high school graduate and the other qualifications required by KRS 95.440.
   (D)   Said officer shall take the oath of office prescribed by § 228 of the Constitution of the state within 30 days after receiving notification of appointment and the oath of office shall also comply with KRS 62.040 and 95.440.
   (E)   Subject to the direction and the ultimate authority of the Mayor, the Police Chief shall see that all city criminal and traffic ordinances and other criminal laws are enforced within the city; shall cause law violators to be arrested and delivered to the appropriate court or judge or place of confinement; shall cause traffic-control signs, permanent or temporary, to be placed where needed; plan, organize, direct, coordinate and evaluate the activities and programs of the Police Department; formulate departmental policies and procedures, rules and regulations following consultation with higher authority and subordinate officers; develop organizational structure of the Department in accordance with professional standards and City Council policy; prepare and authorize work schedules; furnish technical advice on police problems; maintain constant surveillance of criminal and traffic reports in addition to activity reports; initiate corrective action when and where necessarily indicated; supervise and evaluate the use of police equipment; instruct, discipline and evaluate Department personnel; review and recommend acceptable standards and procedures for the recruitment, selection, promotion and training of departmental personnel; prepare purchase requisition of supplies and equipment for the Department; confer with representatives of federal, state and local agencies on various police programs; prepare memoranda and reports on activities of the Department, orally and in writing and supervise others in the preparation of reports; receive complaints from the general public; study and review all laws, official opinions and guidelines; maintain a proper record system pertaining to citations; arrests and investigations; participate in approved law enforcement courses and schedule subordinates for such training; represent the Department as needed; develop and conduct an effective public relations program; and to perform such other duties as may be required by Mayor or City Council. Other powers and authorities are set out in KRS 95.019.
   (F)   The annual salary of Police Chief shall be established by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 35.02) (Ord. 429, passed 4-26-1982; Ord. 449, passed 3-6-1984; Ord. 516, passed 2-6-1990)
   (A)   The position of police officer for the city is hereby created.
   (B)   Said officer shall be a resident of the county, at least 21 years of age and a high school graduate.
   (C)   Said officer shall take the oath of office prescribed by § 228 of the Constitution of the state within 30 days after receiving notification of appointment and the oath of office shall also comply with KRS 62.040 and Chapter 95.
   (D)   The annual salary of police officer shall be as established by ordinance.
   (E)   The Mayor may appoint special or extra police. These special or extra police, appointed for less than one week, shall take the oath prescribed by law, but shall not be required to execute bond.
(Prior Code, § 35.03) (Ord. 430, passed 4-26-1982; Ord. 449, passed 3-6-1984; Ord. 516, passed 2-6-1990)
   The position of part-time police officer shall be an employee position. The salary of said part-time police officers of the city shall be established by ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 35.04) (Ord. 516, passed 2-6-1990)