It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon any dog or cat upon any public place, including the right-of-way of a public highway or upon the property of another without provision of the care and sustenance of such animal.
(Prior Code, § 90.23) (Ord. 479, passed 7-14-1987) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) Any person who violates any provision of this chapter for which another penalty is not already otherwise provided shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense. Each day the violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
(B) (1) Any person who violates § 90.03 of this code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not more than $500, imprisoned for not more than 12 months, or both for each offense.
(KRS 525.130)
(2) (a) If a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to an offense under division (B)(1) above arising from the person’s treatment of an equine, the court may impose one or both of the following penalties against the person, in addition to fines and imprisonment:
1. An order that the person pay restitution for damage to the property of others and for costs incurred by others, including reasonable costs, as determined by agreement or by the court after a hearing, incurred in feeding, sheltering, veterinary treatment, and incidental care of any equine that was the subject of the offense resulting in conviction; or
2. An order terminating or imposing conditions on the person’s right to possession, title, custody, or care of any equine that was the subject of the offense resulting in conviction.
(b) If a person’s ownership interest in an equine is terminated by a judicial order under division (B)(2)(a)2. above, the court may order the sale, conveyance, or other disposition of the equine that was the subject of the offense resulting in conviction.
(C) Any person who violates § 90.04 of this code shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $500.
(KRS 436.600)
(D) (1) Any person violating any provisions of § 90.07 of this code will receive a written warning for a first offense. A second offense will receive a citation to district court.
(2) Fines are as follows:
(a) First offense: $25 to $100; and
(b) Second offense: $100 to $250.
(E) Any person violating any provision of §§ 90.20 through 90.28 of this code shall be deemed guilty of a punishable violation and shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500, or to be imprisoned for not less than five days nor more than 60 days, or both so fined and imprisoned. If any violation is continuing, each day’s violation shall be deemed a separate violation.
(Prior Code, § 90.99)
(Ord. 479, passed 7-14-1987; Ord. 694, passed 6-7-2011; Ord 697, passed 10-4-2011; Ord. 776, passed 12-15-2022)