It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to park any vehicle operated for the purpose of carrying passengers or freight or passengers and freight combined on any street or alley in the city, within 15 feet of such street intersection with any other street or alley in said city limits, or to park such vehicle within 15 feet of any fire hydrant located in the city limits.
(Prior Code, § 72.50) (Ord. 134, passed 6-3-1965) Penalty, see § 72.99
(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 70.99 of this code of ordinances.
(B) Persons receiving a citation for any parking violation in the city shall pay a fine of $5 if paid within 24 hours, or $10 if paid in 48 hours. If not paid within this time, the person in violation shall be subject to a court-imposed fine of not less than $20 nor more than $100 in accordance with KRS 189.990(1).
(C) Any person that violates any provision of § 72.03 shall be deemed a misdemeanor and cited to district court. The fine shall be no less than $25 and not more than $100.
(D) Any person receiving a citation for violation of § 72.14 of this code shall be cited to appear in the county district court and shall be subject to fines as follows:
(1) First offense: Not less than $20 nor more than $50;
(2) Second offense: Not less than $50 nor more than $100; and
(3) Third or subsequent offense: Not less than $100 nor more than $250 and/or not less than two days nor more than ten days in the county jail.
(Prior Code, § 72.99) (Ord. 540, passed 7-21-1992; Ord. 592, passed 8-6-1996; Ord. 728, passed 6-4-2013)