(A) No operator of a vehicle upon a highway in the city shall drive at a greater speed than is reasonable and prudent, having regard for the traffic and for the condition and use of the highway.
(B) When no condition exists that requires lower speed for compliance with division (A) above, no operator of a vehicle shall exceed a speed of 15 mph on all of Cubbage Avenue, 25 mph on Adams Street between Blanton Street and Adair Street, or on Seminary Street between Cherry Alley and Adams Street, or a speed of 35 mph on any other thoroughfare in the city.
(C) The speed limitations set forth in this section should not apply to an authorized emergency vehicle when responding to an emergency call, or when responding to but not returning from a fire alarm. This provision shall not relieve the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using this street, nor shall it protect the driver of any such vehicle from the consequences of a reckless disregard of the safety of others, nor relieve him or her from the duty of making such signals as are necessary. An AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE shall mean any police vehicle at all times, or an ambulance and fire apparatus when operated in connection with an emergency.
(D) The operator of any vehicle upon a highway in the city shall operate the vehicle in a careful manner, with regard for the safety and convenience of pedestrians and other vehicles upon the highway.
(Prior Code, § 71.05) (Ord. 236, passed 6-25-1953; Ord. 243, passed 9-6-1954; Ord. 596, passed 1-7-1997) Penalty, see § 71.99
It shall be the duty of the owner of, operator of or passenger in any motor vehicle which is involved in an accident in which any person is injured or property damaged to stop immediately and ascertain the extent of the injury or damage and render such assistance as may be needed.
(Prior Code, § 71.15) Penalty, see § 71.99
Statutory reference:
Duty in case of accident, see KRS 189.580
The operator, owner or passenger involved in an accident resulting in the injury or death of any person, or an accident in which property is damaged, shall immediately report the accident or property damage to the Police Department.
(Prior Code, § 71.16) Penalty, see § 71.99