Whenever the City Council finds that a potential shortage of water is indicated, it shall be empowered to declare by resolution that a water shortage advisory exists, and the water supply and the demand on that supply shall be monitored on a daily basis. In addition, the Mayor or his or her designated agent is authorized to call upon all water customers to employ voluntary water conservation measures to limit water use and eliminate the waste of water. Any resolution adopted pursuant to this section shall be published in the Owen County News Herald and may be publicized through any other appropriate method for making the resolution known to the public.
(Prior Code, § 51.52) (Ord. 492, passed 4-6-1988)
(A) Whenever the City Council finds raw water supplies to be consistently below seasonal averages indicating that the water supply may be inadequate to meet normal needs, the City Council shall be empowered to declare by resolution that a water shortage alert exists.
(B) The city shall continue to encourage voluntary water conservation measures as may be set forth in the resolution and it shall further impose a ban on the following water uses for the duration of the shortage:
(1) Any use of water for ornamental purposes, including, but not limited to, fountains, reflecting pools and artificial waterfalls;
(2) Watering of public or private gardens, lawns, flowers, shrubs or trees;
(3) Watering of parks, golf courses (except greens), playing fields or other recreational areas;
(4) The filling and/or operation of swimming pools except pools used by health care facilities for patient care or rehabilitation or other pools specifically designated as exempt by resolution;
(5) Washing of motor vehicles including, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, boats and trailers. Commercial car and truck washes shall be exempt from this restriction during a water shortage alert; and
(6) Serving water in restaurants, clubs or other eating places, except upon a specific request by a customer.
(Prior Code, § 51.53) (Ord. 492, passed 4-6-1988) Penalty, see § 51.99
(A) Whenever the City Council determines that raw water supplies are below the level necessary to meet the normal needs of the population and that serious shortages exist, it shall be empowered to declare by resolution that a water shortage emergency exists.
(B) In the event that a water shortage emergency is declared, all water uses set forth in § 51.04 of this code shall continue to be prohibited and in addition, the following water uses shall be prohibited:
(1) All domestic uses of water shall be prohibited except water necessary to sustain human life and lives of domestic pets and to maintain minimum standards of hygiene and sanitation;
(2) The use of water for any swimming pool;
(3) The washing of any motor vehicle, including commercial car and truck washes;
(4) The use of water in any automated clothes washing or dish washing device, including commercial laundromats; and
(5) The watering of golf courses, including golf course greens.
(Prior Code, § 51.54) (Ord. 492, passed 4-6-1988) Penalty, see § 51.99
Whenever the City Council finds a need to provide for the equitable distribution of a critically limited water supply, and in order to assure that limited water supplies are used to preserve public health and safety, it shall be empowered to declare by resolution the adoption of mandatory water rationing. The water rationing shall be under terms and conditions which are appropriate under the circumstances and shall be set forth specifically in any resolution declaring the rationing of water.
(Prior Code, § 51.55) (Ord. 492, passed 4-6-1988)
Any declaration of a water shortage advisory, water shortage alert, water shortage emergency or water rationing shall be considered as ongoing until the condition so declared has been officially ended by a resolution of the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 51.56) (Ord. 492, passed 4-6-1988)