(A) All real and personal property having a taxable situs within the corporate limits of the city, and all personal property except such tangible personal property as has an actual and bona fide situs outside the city, of persons domiciled or actually residing in the city on the assessment date and of all corporations having their chief office or place of business in the city on that date, and all franchises of same, shall be subject to assessment and ad valorem taxation for city purposes, unless exempt from taxation by the Constitution or statutes of the state, or pursuant thereto.
(B) Any franchise granted in whole or in part by the city and exercised within the city may be taxed notwithstanding the corporation owning or exercising the same may have its chief office or place of business elsewhere.
(Prior Code, § 37.02) (Ord. 317, passed 9-5-1967)
Pursuant to KRS 132.285, it is elected to use hereafter the annual assessments for the county, for property situated within the city as a basis of ad valorem tax levies hereafter ordered by the City Council, as supervised and corrected by the county’s Board of Supervisors.
(Prior Code, § 37.03) (Ord. 317, passed 9-5-1967)
(A) The Tax Assessor, who may be the Property Valuation Administrator as from time to time determined by the City Council, shall, as soon as practicable after final certification of the county assessment and adoption of the tax levy ordinance, prepare the tax book for that year from the Property Valuation Administrator’s books.
(B) The Assessor may administer all oaths necessary in the performance of his or her duties.
(Prior Code, § 37.06) (Ord. 317, passed 9-5-1967)