A.   All residential, commercial and industrial units within the sanitary sewer service area as defined in the Comprehensive Plan shall be served by sanitary sewer and shall be connected to the public collection and treatment facilities.
   B.   When a subdivision will be able to be served by sanitary sewer within six (6) years, the City may require that sewer mains and service connections be installed within the subdivision and the entire system connected to a temporary, private central sewage treatment mechanism. The cost for such improvements is to be borne by the applicant.
   C.   In areas being developed for building sites with lots totaling twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or more for soil absorption sewage disposal and the City does not have plans to provide public sewer and water within six (6) years, individual on site sewage disposal systems may be provided for each lot.
   D.   There shall be no overflow outlets from septic tanks or seepage pits allowing effluent to flow to any waterway, drainageway or roadside ditch.
   E.   The applicant or owner shall be required to provide appropriate soil borings and percolation tests in order to determine proper sewage system design. Where on site residential sewer systems are to be installed, the rules and regulations of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Standards (Minnesota Rules chapter 7080), as amended.
   F.   Any means or methods of sewage disposal including septic tanks and seepage pits in the subdivision shall be allowed to exist only if in compliance with FEMA rules and regulations, requirements of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and Minnesota Rules 7080, as amended. (Prior Code § 21-8-7)