A.   Except in unique situations as may be allowed by the City Council, conveyances by metes and bounds shall be prohibited where any lot or lots involved are less than ten (10) acres in area or have a width of less than three hundred thirty feet (330') at the building setback line.
   B.   No building permit shall be issued for any structure on any parcel of land less than ten (10) acres in area or having a width of less than three hundred thirty feet (330') on an improved public street, at a building setback line which is described by metes and bounds until a plat describing such parcel of land is filed with the Wright County Register of Deeds Office and proof thereof is furnished to the City Council.
   C.   When a conveyance by metes and bounds is made for parcels larger than ten (10) acres in size, a survey of the parcels involved shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator before any building permits will be issued for those parcels, and a copy of the survey shall be attached to the deed when it is submitted to the Wright County Register of Deeds Office for recording. (Prior Code § 21-10-2)