A.   Designation Of Parking Zones And Fire Lanes:
      1.   The Council may, by resolution, designate streets, blocks or alleys, or portions thereof, as no parking zones, as fire lanes, or as five (5) minute, ten (10) minute, fifteen (15) minute, thirty (30) minute, one hour, two (2) hour, or three (3) hour parking zones.
      2.   The Council may also, upon application by the Fire Marshal or an owner, lessee or operator of any building, which building generally attracts numerous numbers of the public, designate and thus establish a fire lane upon private property. The application shall be reviewed and approved or disapproved by the Fire Marshal prior to being presented to the City Council for approval. The designated area, when approved by the City Council, shall effectively become a fire lane.
      3.   The Street Operations Manager is hereby authorized to forbid parking of all vehicles for temporary periods in case of emergency, street maintenance, or public events at any place within the city.
   4.   All designated zones pursuant to this subsection A shall be appropriately marked at the direction of the City, at the property owner’s expense when on private property, and the City’s expense when on public property. Unless otherwise provided within the resolution or application approval, such restrictions shall apply every day of the week, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.
   B.   Maximum Time Limit: Parking of vehicles is hereby prohibited for more than eighteen (18) hours continuously on all public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights-of-way within the corporate limits of the City, with the exception of those streets or highways otherwise provided time limitations in subsection A of this section.
   C.   Night Parking: No vehicle shall be parked upon any public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights-of-way in the City between the hours of two o’clock (2:00) A.M. and six o’clock (6:00) A.M., inclusive, between November 1 and April 30, including, but not limited to, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
   D.   Snow Emergency: After a snowfall of at least two inches (2") in the City, parking is prohibited on any public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights-of- way until and after that particular public way has been plowed and the snow removed to the curb line.
   E.   Obstructing Any Street Or Public Right-Of-Way: No vehicle shall be parked, permitted to stand, or obstruct any street or public right-of-way within the City in any of the following places:
      1.   Within twenty feet (20') of an intersection;
      2.   Greater than five feet (5') from the curb or edge of a street unless legally designated and no portion of a parked vehicle may extend beyond ten feet (10') from the curb or edge of street;
      3.   In a location that is not parallel to the curb or edge of street, unless legally designated;
      4.   On a sidewalk, trail, or crosswalk;
      5.   In front of or within five feet (5') of a public or private driveway on the same side of the street;
      6.   Within ten feet (10') of a fire hydrant;
      7.   Within ten feet (10') of a mailbox;
      8.   Those areas as specified by Minnesota Statutes 169.34.
   F.   Obstructing Public Ways And Access: No vehicle shall be parked so as to obstruct a public sidewalk or trail or block access to a driveway or block access to a mailbox.
   G.   Trucks, Semi-Tractor/Trailers, Recreational Vehicles And Equipment, And Commercial Vehicles: Trucks, semi-tractor/trailers, recreational vehicles and equipment, and commercial vehicles with a Class-4 rating or higher or an overall length greater than twenty five feet (25') shall not be parked on public streets, boulevards, ditches and rights-of-way within the City.
   H.   Immobile Vehicles And Trailers: Vehicles and trailers incapable of movement under their own propulsion shall not be parked or stored on public streets, boulevards, ditches, and rights-of-way within the City. (Prior Code § 8-3-2; amd. Ord. 2018-05, 7-9-2018; Ord. 2019-04, 2-11-2019; Ord. 2019-11, 5-13-2019; Ord. 2019-18, 9-23-2019)