A. Licensed Collector Required: Collectors of recyclable materials shall hold a valid City solid waste collector license as provided for by subsection 5-3-4B2 of this chapter.
B. Opportunity To Recycle: Each licensed collector shall provide its customers with an opportunity to recycle through weekly curbside collection of the recyclables targeted below. The targeted recyclables shall be collected from a site at or near the customer's mixed Municipal solid waste collection site. The City collector's license may specify how and where a customer is to place recyclables for collection.
C. Ownership Of Recyclables: The holder of the City collection license is deemed the owner of the recyclables upon collection and may market them.
D. Quarterly Report On Recyclables: Each licensed collector of recyclable materials shall submit a quarterly report to the City to include the weight in tons of mixed recyclables collected by that licensee within the City. The report shall be due on or before the twentieth day of the month following the close of the quarter on a form prescribed by the City. The report shall also identify the estimated weight of each type of recyclable collected, distinguish domestic collection tonnage from commercial/business tonnage, and describe how the weights were calculated.
E. Source Separation:
1. Precollection: All persons who are owners, lessees, and occupants of any building, commercial or residential, within the City that generates mixed Municipal solid waste shall separate from all solid waste the following designated recyclable materials before disposal, removal or collection:
a. Paper Recyclables: Paper recyclables shall be bundled separately and/or secured in such a manner as to prevent them from being blown or scattered, and shall be maintained in a dry condition free of any other substance and shall not be placed in plastic bags.
b. Aluminum Recyclables: Aluminum recyclables shall be clean of all contents and shall not be placed in plastic bags.
c. Glass Recyclables: Glass recyclables shall be clean of all contents with caps, lids and all metal removed prior to collection and shall not be placed in plastic bags.
d. Nonaluminum Can Recyclables: Nonaluminum can recyclables shall be clean of all contents and shall not be placed in plastic bags.
e. Plastic Recyclables: Plastic recyclables shall be designated by resolution of the City Council and shall be clean of all contents with caps, lids and all metal removed prior to collection. (Prior Code § 7-8-6)
f. Other: Any material other than those described above and designated as a source separated recyclable material by resolution of the City Council may be recycled. These materials shall be packaged for collection as directed in the City Council's resolution. (Prior Code § 7-8-6)
2. Containers: All source separated recyclable materials shall be placed into containers and not mixed with other forms of solid waste or mixed Municipal solid waste. Containers shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition in accordance with all pertinent health statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations. The style, type and construction material for the containers may be designated by the collector as long as the designated container is in accordance with this chapter and is adequate and substantial enough to contain the recyclables therein. Further specifications for containers may be adopted by the City Council by resolution.
F. Contract For Collection And Disposal: The collection, removal and disposal of recyclable material shall be by contract with a collector duly licensed to perform such collection by the agency and the County and holding a City collector's license. It shall be unlawful for any person other than a contracted collector, a City employee acting with authority, or any other authorized person to distribute, collect, remove, disturb, or dispose of recyclable materials after said materials have been placed or deposited for collection.
G. Disposition Of Recyclable Materials:
1. Any source separated recyclable materials shall be delivered for reuse in their original form or for use in a manufacturing process that does not cause the destruction of recyclable materials in a manner that precludes further use.
2. Disposal of source separated recyclable material in any manner other than stated in section 5-3-8 of this chapter shall operate to void the exemption from mixed Municipal solid waste as to that material and brings that material within the full scope of this chapter.
3. The collector of the material in question shall be liable for all costs and charges relating to the proper disposal of the material after the exemption is void and the collector's City collection license may be revoked for any such improper disposal.
H. Right To Individual Disposal Of Recyclable Materials: Nothing in this chapter shall abridge the right of any person to give or sell their recyclable materials to any recycling program lawfully operated for profit, nonprofit, or charitable purposes.
(Prior Code § 7-8-6; amd. 2018 Code; Ord. 2024-07, 6-24-2024)