No person shall occupy, as owner/occupant, or let to another to occupy, any rental building or rental dwelling unit for the purposes of living, sleeping, cooking and eating therein which does not comply with the following requirements:
   A.   Kitchen Facilities:
      1.   Every dwelling unit shall have a room or portion of a room in which food may be prepared and/or cooked and which is connected to an approved sewer system.
      2.   Every dwelling unit shall have an approved kitchen sink in good working condition and properly connected to an approved water supply system, and which provides at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure, and which is connected to an approved sewer system.
      3.   Every dwelling unit shall have cabinets and/or shelves for the storage of eating, drinking, and cooking equipment and utensils and of food that does not require refrigeration for safekeeping, and a counter or table for food preparation. Said cabinets and/or shelves and counter or table shall be adequate for the permissible occupancy of the dwelling unit and shall be of sound construction and furnished with surfaces that are easily cleaned and that will not impart any toxic or deleterious effect to food.
      4.   Every dwelling unit shall have a stove or similar device for cooking food, and a refrigerator or similar device for the safe storage of food at or below forty degrees Fahrenheit (40°F), which are properly installed with all necessary connections for safe, sanitary and efficient operation. Provided, that such stove, refrigerator or similar device need not be installed when a dwelling unit is not occupied or when the occupant is expected to provide same upon occupancy, in which case, sufficient space and adequate connections for the installation and operation of said stove, refrigerator or similar device must be provided.
   B.   Toilet Facilities: Within every rental dwelling unit there shall be an uninhabitable room which is equipped with an approved toilet in good working condition. Such room shall have an entrance door which affords privacy. Said toilet shall be equipped with easily cleaned surfaces, shall be connected to an approved water system that at all times provides an adequate amount of running water under pressure to cause the toilet to be operated properly, and shall be connected to an approved sewer system.
   C.   Lavatory Sink: Within every rental dwelling unit there shall be an approved lavatory sink. Said lavatory sink may be in the same room as the flush water closet, or if located in another room, the lavatory sink shall be located in close proximity to the door leading directly into the room in which the said water closet is located. The lavatory sink shall be in good working condition and shall be properly connected to an approved water supply system and shall provide at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated running water under pressure, and shall be connected to an approved sewer system.
   D.   Bathtub Or Shower: Within every rental dwelling unit there shall be an uninhabitable room which is equipped with an approved bathtub or shower in good working condition. Such room shall have an entrance which affords privacy. Said bathtub or shower may be in the same room as the flush water closet, or in another room, and shall be properly connected to an approved water supply system and shall provide at all times an adequate amount of heated and unheated water under pressure, and shall be connected to an approved sewer system.
   E.   Stairways, Porches And Balconies: Every stairway inside or outside of a rental dwelling and every porch or balcony shall be kept in safe condition and sound repair. Stairs, handrails and guards shall conform to the IRC/IBC.
   F.   Access And Egress: Access to or egress from each rental dwelling unit shall be provided without passing through any other rental dwelling unit.
   G.   Door Locks: No owner shall occupy nor let to another for occupancy any rental dwelling or rental dwelling unit unless all exterior doors of the dwelling or dwelling unit are equipped with safe, functioning locking devices as follows:
      1.   Building Entrances: For the purpose of providing a reasonable amount of safety and general welfare for persons occupying multiple-family dwellings, an approved security system shall be maintained for each multiple-family building to control access. The security system shall consist of locked building entrance or foyer doors, and locked doors leading from hallways into individual dwelling units. Dead latch type doors shall be provided with lever knobs (or doorknobs) on the inside of building entrance doors and with key cylinders on the outside of building entrance doors. Building entrance door latches shall be of a type that are permanently locked from the outside and permanently locked from the inside.
      2.   Interior Dwelling Unit Entrances: Every door that is designed to provide ingress or egress for a dwelling unit within a multiple-family building shall be equipped with an approved lock that has a deadlocking bolt that cannot be retracted by end pressure; provided, however, that such door shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. (Prior Code § 7-11-9)