A.   The City may inspect any rental unit if it falls within one or more of the following criteria:
      1.   Such a unit has been abandoned by the owner or the owner of such unit cannot be found.
      2.   The rental dwelling unit license has been suspended, revoked or denied.
      3.   Water, gas, or electric service to such unit has been discontinued as a result of nonpayment for more than thirty (30) continuous days.
      4.   The unit is on a parcel of land which is on the list of delinquent taxes filed by the County Auditor with the Court Administrator of the District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 279.05.
      5.   The City has probable cause to believe that there exists within such unit one or more violations of the requirements of this chapter.
      6.   The unit of property within which the unit is located has, within the preceding six (6) months, renewed a license after suspension or revocation.
      7.   The unit is the subject of a pending notice of the City's intent to suspend or revoke the rental license. (Prior Code § 7-11-5)
   B.   The City compliance official is hereby authorized, in conformity with this chapter, to inspect all rental dwelling units to enforce this section and all applicable Safety Codes.
   C.   The City compliance official is authorized to inspect all rental dwelling units in dwellings, whether having a rental license hereunder or not. The inspection may include the building or structure containing the rental dwelling unit, the land upon which it is located and accessory uses or structures related to the rental dwelling unit. All inspections authorized by this subsection shall be limited to those which are done for the purpose of seeking compliance with the applicable Safety Codes, and shall take place only at reasonable hours or as may otherwise be agreed upon by the owner and the City compliance official. (Prior Code § 7-11-5; amd. 2018 Code)
   D.   The City shall give notice to the owner of any violations of the applicable Safety Codes which are discovered during any inspection. (Prior Code § 7-11-5)