Department of Public Safety and Service
139.01   Merger of safety and service offices.
139.02   Mutual fire aid agreements authorized.
139.03   Extension of fire service to other subdivisions.
139.04   Mutual police aid agreements authorized.
139.05   Assistant to Administration.
139.06   Mutual aid agreements between municipal electric departments.
         Appointment - see CHTR. §4.03
         Powers and duties - see CHTR. §4.04
         Member of Board of Control - see CHTR. §6.03
         Bond - see CHTR. §6.04; ADM. 151.01
         Merger authorized - see Ohio R.C. 733.03
         Fire aid contracts - see Ohio R.C. 307.05, 505.44, 717.02
         Police aid contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.441, 737.04
         Director as member of Planning Commission - see Ohio R.C. 713.01; ADM. 145.01
         Powers of local traffic control - see TRAF. Ch. 305
         Nuisance and unsafe buildings - see BLDG. Ch. 1311