(A) There is established a fund known as the Law Enforcement Continuing Education Fund for the purpose of purchases made by the town’s Police Department for equipment, supplies, continuing education, and law enforcement training for the Police Department.
(B) This Fund shall be comprised of fees collected by the Police Department from the following activities:
(1) Vehicle inspections;
(2) Accident reports;
(3) Hand gun licenses and transfers; and
(4) Proceeds from the sale of confiscated weapons.
(C) Before any money from this Fund is spent, same must be first appropriated according to state statute.
(D) The funds accumulated in the Local Law Enforcement Continuing Education Fund established shall be used for the purpose of continuing education and training of law enforcement officers employed by the town. All expenditures must comply with the terms and provisions of the statute by the authority of which the Fund is created, and must be approved by the Town Council.
(E) The funds placed in the Local Law Enforcement Continuing Education Fund may not be withdrawn except for the purposes set forth herein so long as this section remains in full force and effect.
(1996 Code, § 2-108) (Ord. 96-11-01, passed 11-25-1996)
Statutory reference;
Funds, see I.C. 9-17, 9-26, 35-47-2-3
The Town Council establishes the Police Donation Fund.
(A) The Fund shall include all monies donated to the town’s Police Department;
(B) All donation fund fees shall be deposited into the Law Enforcement Donation Fund;
(C) The monies in the Fund shall not be appropriated and shall remain in the Fund until they are expended; and
(D) Used by the Police Department exclusively for the purpose of:
(1) Required additional training;
(2) To purchase training manuals or other materials pertaining to training; or
(3) Public relations work.
(1996 Code, § 2-109) (Ord. 92-11-02, passed 11-23-1992)
(A) There shall be a non-reverting Crime Control Fund established for the deposit of forfeiture funds collected by the town.
(B) This Fund shall be created for the maintenance and disbursement of amounts received for police equipment.
(C) All amounts previously paid to the town for this purpose shall be accounted for in the Fund.
(Ord. 2009-2, passed 2-23-2009)
(A) The town hereby establishes the Local Option Income Tax Fund to be used for public safety in the town.
(B) The Clerk-Treasurer shall deposit any and all LOIT revenue received from the county into said Fund and shall use said Fund for public safety purposes only.
(C) This section shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Town Council.
(Ord. 2012-1, passed 2-27-2012)
(A) A need now exists for the establishment of a Cumulative Capital Development Fund for the following purposes: equipment replacement (trash truck, sander truck, snow plow, police car, fire truck, and the like) and street maintenance.
(B) The Town Council will adhere to the provisions of I.C. 36-9-15.5. The proposed Fund will not exceed $0.05 in 2002, $0.10 in 2003, and $0.15 in 2004 and thereafter, per $100 of assessed valuation. Said tax rate will be levied beginning with taxes 2001 payable 2002.
(C) Proofs of publication of the public hearing held on April 30, 2001 and a certified copy of this section will be submitted to the state’s Board of Tax Commissioners, as provided by law. Said Cumulative Fund is subject to the approval of the state’s Board of Tax Commissioners.
(Ord. 2001-02, passed 4-30-2001)