In addition to other fees provided in this code, the following charges are imposed for special services which are not ordinarily needed, requested or supplied to the general public, in order that the cost of such special service is paid by the person or persons receiving the benefit of the service and not by the general public:
A. | Community And Economic Development Department: | |||
1. | General planning administrative reviews**** | |||
Accessory dwelling unit | $250.00 | |||
Board of Zoning Adjustment application | $650.00 | |||
Business license zoning verification | $15.00 | |||
Conditional use permit | $750.00 plus site plan fee | |||
Conditional use permit - minor amendment | $600.00 | |||
Nonconforming use change/expansion | $500.00 plus site plan fee | |||
Nonconforming use certificate | $250.00 | |||
Short-term rental | $250.00 | |||
Zoning administrator reviews | $250.00 | |||
Zoning certification | $75.00 | |||
2. | Petitions**** | |||
Agricultural protection area designation | $3,000.00 | |||
Annexation/de-annexation | $2,500.00 | |||
Development agreement attachment | $1,500.00 | |||
General plan amendment | $2,500.00 | |||
Historic designation | No fee | |||
Zone change | $2,500.00 | |||
Zone change plus development agreement | $3,500.00 | |||
Zone change plus general plan amendment | $3,750.00 | |||
Zoning ordinance text amendment | $2,500.00 | |||
3. | Public right-of-way reviews**** | |||
Encroachment permit - fence | $250.00 | |||
Encroachment permit - other structure, sidewalk dining | $500.00 | |||
Commemorative street name | 50% of street name change fee plus the cost to install new street signs | |||
Street name change | $1,000.00 plus the cost to install new street signs | |||
Vacation of street, alley, public easement, or public right-of-way | $2,500.00 | |||
4. | Site plan reviews**** | |||
Major site plan review | $750.00 plus $30/$100K valuation | |||
Minor site plan review (single family, duplex, addition under 10% and 2,000 sf) | $250.00 | |||
Preliminary group dwelling | $1,800.00 plus $40/unit | |||
Final group dwelling | $1,000.00 plus $30/unit | |||
5. | Subdivision and lot adjustment reviews**** | |||
Condominium | $750.00 plus $150/lot or unit | |||
Condominium conversion | $200.00 plus $150/lot or unit | |||
Lot or parcel combination | $100.00 | |||
Lot or parcel line adjustment | $250.00 | |||
Planned Residential Unit Development (PRUD) preliminary | $1,800.00 plus $40/unit | |||
Planned Residential Unit Development (PRUD), final | $1,000.00 plus $30/unit | |||
Small subdivision | $500.00 plus $150/lot or unit | |||
Subdivision, preliminary | $1,000.00 plus $150/lot or unit | |||
Subdivision, final | $450.00 plus $10/lot | |||
Subdivision amendment/vacation | $1,000.00 plus $100/new lot | |||
Subdivision in sensitive overlay zone | $1,800.00 plus $40/lot or unit plus billable cost for third party review | |||
6. | Miscellaneous planning fees**** | |||
Document recording | Actual cost | |||
Extension - staff level | $100.00 | |||
Modification of approved application - staff level | $250.00 | |||
Modification of approved application - planning commission level | $750.00 | |||
Resubmitted commercial/manufacturing plans, due to inaccurate drawings or changes in plans | $250/resubmittal | ||||
Resubmitted residential development plans, due to inaccurate drawings or changes in plans | $250/resubmittal | ||||
Staff review not listed above | $250.00 | ||||
Planning commission review not listed above | $750.00 | ||||
Planning inspection fee | $1.00/$3,000 valuation | ||||
7. | Plan reviews under title 16 of this code | See title 16 of this code | |||
8. | Business licenses | See title 5 of this code | |||
9. | Building permit fees (i.e., building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, demolitions, etc.) | ||||
a. | Technical code base fee schedule | ||||
Total Permit Valuation | Fee 1 | ||||
$1.00 to $1,200.00 | $70.50 | ||||
$1,201.00 to $2,000.00 | $70.50 for the first $1,200.00 plus $2.78 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00 | ||||
$2,001.00 to $25,000.00 | $92.75 for the first $2,000.00 plus $16.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00 | ||||
Total Permit Valuation | Fee 1 | ||||
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00 | $460.75 for the first $25,000.00 plus $11.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 | ||||
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 | $748.25 for the first $50,000.00 plus $8.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 | ||||
$100,001.00 to $500,000.00 | $1,148.25 for the first $100,000.00 plus $6.30 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 | ||||
$500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 | $3,668.25 for the first $500,000.00 plus $5.25 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00 | ||||
$1,000,001.00 and up | $6,293.25 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof. | ||||
b. | Additional inspections not included in technical code base fee schedule | $47.00 per hour | |||
c. | Plan review fee: | 65% of the technical code base fee schedule or, if a lesser amount, the actual cost of performing the review | |||
Over the counter plan review | $47.00 | ||||
Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to plans | $47.00 per hour | ||||
Plan review fee for identical buildings as defined in section 16-1-4 of this code | $47.00 per hour | ||||
d. | Fees for outside consultants for plan checking and inspections, or both | Actual cost | |||
10. | Sign Fees: | ||||
a. | Review fee: | ||||
For signs up to $1,200.00 in value that are reviewed over the counter | $11.00 | ||||
For signs $1,201.00 in value and higher or for all signs that require more than over the counter review | 65% of the technical code base fee schedule or, if a lesser amount, the actual cost of performing the review | ||||
b. | Permit fee: | ||||
For signs not requiring an inspection | No fee | ||||
For signs up to $1,200.00 in value requiring a single inspection | $47.00 | ||||
For signs $1,201.00 in value and higher and for all signs requiring multiple inspections | 100% of the technical code base fee schedule | ||||
c. | Remodeling or moving of sign | Fees are equal to those described in subsections A.6.a. and A.6.b. of this section | |||
11. | Board of building and fire code appeals | See section 16-1-7 of this code | |||
12. | Engineering | ||||
a. | Inspection fees | $150.00 each | |||
Permit extension fee | $100.00 | ||||
After-hours inspection fee | $62.85 | ||||
b. | Permit fees: | ||||
Curb and gutter | $0.30 per linear foot plus inspection fee | ||||
Sidewalk | $0.30 per linear foot plus inspection fee | ||||
Sewer and water lines | $0.33 per linear foot plus inspection fee | ||||
Street excavation permit: | |||||
Surface 0 to 3 years old | $400.00 up to 100 linear feet, over 100 additional $2.00 per linear foot | ||||
Surface over 3 years old | $200.00 up to 100 linear feet, over 100 additional $1.00 per linear foot | ||||
Unimproved streets or parking strips (per hole) | $50.00 plus $1.50 per 100 linear feet | ||||
Concrete/park strip bore (per hole) | $50.00 | ||||
Utility lines | $0.20 per linear foot plus inspection fee | ||||
c. | Subdivision fees: | ||||
Inspection fee | 2% of the estimated value of the improvements subject to inspection | ||||
d. | Charges for copies of plats, maps, etc. (by paper size and document type): | ||||
Letter or legal size | None | ||||
Sewer plats | $2.00 each | ||||
Water plats | $2.00 each | ||||
Bible sheets | $2.00 each | ||||
Construction drawings | $2.00 each | |||||
Large City maps (xerox) | $3.00 each | |||||
City maps (plotter) | $10.00 each | |||||
e. | Miscellaneous engineering fees: | |||||
Engineering review geological | $500.00 | |||||
Third-party engineer review | $1,000.00 | |||||
Lane closure peak hour | $100.00 per location | |||||
Lane closure off peak hour | $100.00 per location | |||||
Road closure (66 feet or greater) | $100.00 | |||||
Road closure (66 feet or under) | $100.00 | |||||
Sidewalk closure (per week) | $50.00 | |||||
Traffic control review by traffic engineer | $50.00 | |||||
Stop work order (permit fee increase) | Four times the entire permit cost | |||||
Stop work order (other) | $100.00 per occurrence | |||||
Directional boring length | $0.50 per bore length | |||||
Directional bore length | $200.00 | |||||
Concrete work | $100.00 | |||||
Drive approach adjustment | $100.00 | |||||
Restocking fee for city-purchased parts: | ||||||
Transaction Fee | $100.00 | |||||
Materials cost | 20% of the total materials purchased | |||||
13. | Airport | |||||
Meeting rooms at the airport: | ||||||
1 use per week | $250.00 per year | |||||
Private parties | $50.00 per use | |||||
Outdoor pavilion | $50.00 per use | |||||
All other airport fees | See title 8, chapter 5 of this Code | |||||
14. | Landmarks Commission: | |||||
Appeals to Board of Building and Fire Code pursuant to section 17-5-7 of this Code | $100.00 | |||||
Request for determination of economic hardship pursuant to section 17-5-5 of this Code | $336.00 | |||||
Request for certificate of appropriateness for demolition of a historic resource pursuant to section 17-3-3 of this Code | $378.00 | |||||
15. | Union Station: | |||||
a. | Museum admissions: | |||||
Adults | $7.00 | |||||
Seniors (over 65) | $5.00 | |||||
Teens (13 - 17) | $4.00 | |||||
Children (under 12) | $3.00 | |||||
Infants (under 2) | Free | |||||
Family day pass (up to 2 adults and up to 6 children) | $20.00 | |||||
Blue Star Museum participant | Free admission with valid current active military ID from Memorial Day through Labor Day | |||||
All active military and veterans are offered a 10% discount on admissions | ||||||
b. | Annual memberships: | |||||
Individual membership | $30.00 | |||||
Dual membership (valid for 2 people) | $50.00 | |||||
Family membership (valid for 2 adults and up to 6 children age 17 and under per visit) | $60.00 | |||||
Senior individual membership (over 65) | $20.00 | |||||
Senior dual membership (both over 65) | $30.00 | |||||
Student membership (current college ID) | $20.00 | |||||
All active military and veterans are offered a 10% discount on memberships | ||||||
c. | Tours: | |||||
Field trip per student | $3.00 | |||||
Groups of 10 or more - Utah students (pre K to grade 12, after school, youth, and daycare groups) - pay $3.00 per individual when reserving at least 2 weeks in advance. We require 1 adult for every 10 students in grade 5 and above. For groups in grades pre-K to 4 we require 1 adult for every 5 children. Teachers and chaperones are free. Each adult exceeding these ratios will be charged $4.00. | ||||||
Adult group tour per individual | $4.00 | |||||
The adult group tour discount applies to groups of 10 or more adults reserving at least 2 weeks in advance. To receive discount all individuals must pay as a group. | ||||||
d. | Rentals: | |||||
Browning Theater Annex (includes use of Browning kitchen): | ||||||
Banquet setup for 200 people or theater seating for 250: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $1,095.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $1,495.00 | |||||
Breezeway addition | $200.00 | |||||
North End package (includes Browning Theater, West Annex, breezeway, and kitchen): | ||||||
Banquet setup for 500 people or theater seating for 425: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $1,995.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $2,955.00 | |||||
Gallery 51: | ||||||
Banquet setup for 200 people or theater seating for 150: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $695.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $895.00 | |||||
Grand Lobby (includes use of Gallery 51): | ||||||
Banquet setup for 400 people or theater seating for 500: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $995.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $1,695.00 | |||||
Fountain Plaza: | ||||||
Theater seating for 150: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $1,295.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $1,595.00 | |||||
Room rental addition (150 seats) | $200.00 | |||||
Room rental addition (300 seats) | $400.00 | |||||
Old Timers Room: | ||||||
Banquet setup for 200 people or theater seating for 250: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $895.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $1,195.00 | |||||
Wattis Dumke Room: | ||||||
Banquet setup for 50 people or theater seating for 80: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $395.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $495.00 | |||||
Myra Powell Gallery: | ||||||
Banquet setup for 50 people or theater seating for 80: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $395.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $495.00 | |||||
Room rental addition | $200.00 | |||||
Railroad Patio: | ||||||
Theater seating for 50: | ||||||
Monday - Thursday | $395.00 | |||||
Friday - Saturday | $495.00 | |||||
Room rental addition | $200.00 | |||||
Accessories: | ||||||
Tables (each additional) | $10.00 | |||||
Chairs (each additional) | $1.00 | |||||
Stage risers (each) | $25.00 | |||||
Event rental times are from 10:00 A.M. - 10:00 P.M. Rental included setup and takedown of Union Station tables and chairs. Customer to complete decorating, event, and cleanup within this time. Events that exceed 10:00 P.M. will be charged at $300.00 an hour, not to exceed 12:00 midnight. | ||||||
Browning Theater projector and/or more than 1 microphone requires advanced booking with an audiovisual contractor. Pricing subject to contractor costs. | ||||||
Security is required for all events with alcohol service. A security officer is required for every 150 people. The charge is $150.00 per officer. Bar service is not available for events where the celebrant is under 21 years old. | ||||||
All rentals require cleaning/damage deposits as follows: | ||||||
Room only | $150.00 | |||||
Room with food | $250.00 | |||||
Room, food, and alcohol | $400.00 | |||||
Museums can be reserved from 6:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. for $300.00 or used during business hours in conjunction with a room rental for $2.00 per capita (or person). | ||||||
e. | Library/archive fees: | |||||
Research service (per hour after first 15 minutes of service per staff) | $ 25.00 | |||||
Photocopying or scanning: | ||||||
Published materials (per page) | $0.25 | |||||
Archival, unpublished (per page) | $0.50 | |||||
Fee of $25.00/hour will be added after first 20 pages | ||||||
Image licensing for scholarly/ non-profit use: | ||||||
Inside of book/magazine/ journal | $50.00 | |||||
Cover of book/magazine/ journal | $100.00 | |||||
Electronic book/journal | $25.00 | |||||
Television/film/video/ multimedia | $50.00 | |||||
Website/internet | $25.00 | |||||
Exhibit (non-web based) | $Determined per project | |||||
Image licensing for commercial use for print runs up to 5,000: | ||||||
Inside of book/magazine/ journal | $100.00 | |||||
Cover of book/magazine/ journal | $200.00 | |||||
Electronic book/journal | $50.00 | |||||
Television/film/video/ multimedia | $100.00 | |||||
Website/internet | $150.00 | |||||
Exhibit (non-web based) | Determined per project | |||||
Image licensing for commercial use for print runs over 5,000: | ||||||
Inside of book/magazine/ journal | $150.00 | |||||
Cover of book/magazine/ journal | $300.00 | |||||
Electronic book/journal | $75.00 | |||||
Television/film/video/ multimedia | $150.00 | |||||
B. | Public Services Department: | ||||
1. Reserved | |||||
2. Cemetery: | |||||
Grave spaces: | |||||
Resident | $800.00 | ||||
Nonresident | $1,500.00 | ||||
(40% of purchase price shall be placed in the Perpetual Care Fund) | |||||
Interment: | |||||
Adult resident (3' x 8' or over) | $750.00 | ||||
Adult nonresident (3' x 8' or over) | $1,250.00 | ||||
Child resident (3' x 5') | $500.00 | ||||
Child nonresident (3' x 5') | $750.00 | ||||
Baby or urn resident (2' x 2') | $325.00 | ||||
Baby or urn nonresident (2' x 2') | $450.00 | ||||
Additional charge for Saturday overtime | $550.00 | ||||
Additional charge for weekday overtime (after 4:00 p.m.) | $325.00 per hour | ||||
Marker setting fee: | |||||
Upright | $125.00 | ||||
Bevel | $100.00 | ||||
Flat | $50.00 | ||||
Disinterment (costs will be higher if moved to location inside the cemetery): | |||||
Outside | Inside | ||||
Adult (3' x 5' or over) | $1,500.00 | $2,250.00 | |||
Child or baby (less than 3' x 5') | $800.00 | $1,000.00 | |||
3. Tiffany Memorial Pet Cemetery: | |||||
Residents | Nonresidents | ||||
Grave sites: | |||||
3' x 5' | $50.00 | $100.00 | |||
2' x 3' | $30.00 | $100.00 | |||
Interment | $50.00 | $50.00 | |||
Additional charge for Saturday overtime | $100.00 | $100.00 | |||
Disinterment | $200.00 | $200.00 | |||
4. El Monte and Mount Ogden Golf Courses*:
| |||||
9 holes (regular weekday) | $16.00
| ||||
9 holes (regular weekend)*** | $17.00 | ||||
18 holes (regular weekday) | $32.00 | ||||
18 holes (regular weekend)*** | $34.00 | ||||
El Monte A.M. rate (before 9:00 a.m. discount will apply Monday - Thursday, before 8:00 a.m. discount will apply Friday -Sunday, excluding holidays)
| $13.00 | ||||
Cart rental: | ||||||
Per 9 holes | $10.00 per rider
| |||||
Per 18 holes | $20.00 per rider
| |||||
Non-playing spectator | $10.00
| |||||
Trail fee for private carts | $5.00 per 9 holes $10.00 per 18 holes
| |||||
Adult cart pass | $900.00 | |||||
Driving range (El Monte): | ||||||
Small bucket | $5.00 | |||||
Large bucket | $10.00
| |||||
Range season pass | $500.00 | |||||
Senior rate (Monday - Thursday, excluding holidays): | ||||||
Per 9 holes | $14.00 | |||||
Per 18 holes | $28.00 | |||||
College student discount (per 9 holes, Monday - Thursday, excluding holidays) | $14.00 | |||||
Military (per 9 holes, Monday - Thursday, excluding holidays) | $14.00 | |||||
Junior rate (per 9 holes) | $10.00 | |||||
Junior punch pass (per 10 rounds) | $90.00 | |||||
Junior summer pass (June - August) | $250.00 | |||||
Baker’s dozen (good anytime, 13 9-hole round punch ticket) | $189.00 | |||||
Senior citizen (weekdays only, 20 9-hole round punch ticket) | $247.00 | |||||
City employee (20 9-hole round punch ticket) | $175.00 | |||||
City employee (10 9-hole punch ticket) | $88.00 | |||||
High school pass (20 9-hole rounds high school team) | $160.00 | |||||
Mount Ogden Golf Course pass (20 9-hole rounds with cart) | $450.00
| ||||
7 day season pass | $1,100.00 | ||||
7 day season pass (seniors - 60 and over) | $1,000.00 | ||||
5 day season pass (Monday - Friday, excluding holidays, seniors - 60 and over) | $900.00 | ||||
5 day season pass (Monday - Friday, excluding holidays, juniors - under 18) | $400.00 | ||||
7 day season pass (juniors - under 18) | $500.00 | ||||
High school team fee** (in lieu of punch passes) | $2,000.00 per school | ||||
High school team member season pass (Monday - Friday, sold to qualifying team members only) | $300.00 | ||||
Couples/family season pass (for couples or 2 related adults living at same address) | $1,650.00 per 2 | ||||
Additional family members living at same address (17 and under) | $100.00 per family member | ||||
Additional family members living at same address (18 and over) | $300.00 per family member | ||||
Pavilion Rental: | |||||
Golf events: | |||||
If using Ogden City golf courses catering | $0.00 | ||||
Set up fee if using outside catering | $200.00 | ||||
Non-golf events (Ogden City golf courses catering required):
| $50.00
| ||||
*All fees include state sales tax. (Green fees may be waived for the Ogden City Amateur Tournament, the Corporate Sports Challenge, or for other tournaments sponsored or cosponsored by the City that generate interest, exposure, and improve the quality of the programs at the golf courses. Green fees may also be waived for members of the PGA and members of the Golf Course Superintendent’s Association of America.)
**This is only valid for the high school competitive season to cover cost of hosting the region event and all organized practice rounds. Each school will be responsible for a $2,000.00 fee for both the boys’ and girls’ teams unless they elect to purchase the punch cards at $160.00 per 20 rounds.
**** Note: In addition, charges shall be increased annually on July 1 in perpetuity as follows: By the percentage change in the western region customer price index for all items derived for urban consumers (west region CIP-U), without any seasonal adjustment, for the prior year from January to January and produced by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (CPI).
5. Parks Pavilion Reservations*: | |||||
a. | Big D Sports Park | $200.00 | |||
b. | MTC Park/Rose Garden Complex: | ||||
Small pavilion and gazebo | 150.00 | ||||
Large pavilion | 200.00 | ||||
Complex (including large pavilion, small pavilion and gazebo) | 350.00 | ||||
Alcoholic beverage permit | 50.00 | ||||
c. | Lorin Farr Park: | ||||
North end | 100.00 | ||||
South end | 100.00 | ||||
Entire pavilion | 150.00 | ||||
d. | Other | 50.00 | |||
* Fee reserves a pavilion on either a morning or afternoon schedule. Morning begins 1 hour before sunrise and continues until 2:00 P.M. Afternoon begins at 3:00 P.M. and continues to 1 hour after sunset. Reservations requiring or affecting use within both time frames will be charged a double fee.
6. Ogden City Stadium: | ||||||
Events charging an admission fee | $1,000.00 per day | |||||
With the cabin | 1,250.00 per day | |||||
No admission fee events | 500.00 per day | |||||
With the cabin | 750.00 per day | |||||
Rodeo cabin only | 250.00 per day | |||||
All sales of food or beverages require a concession agreement, with the City receiving 20 percent of gross sales.
7. Dinosaur Park: | ||||||
Regular admissions: | ||||||
Adults (ages 18 - 61) | $ 8.00 | |||||
Senior citizens (ages 62 and over) | 8.00 | |||||
Student (ages 13 and over): | ||||||
With ID | 8.00 | |||||
Without ID | 8.00 | |||||
Child (ages 2 - 12) | 8.00 | |||||
Toddler (ages under 2) when accompanied by adult or senior paying regular admission | Free | |||||
Group rates: (Available for groups of 15 and over, with 24 hour advance reservation) | ||||||
Adult | 4.00 | |||||
Student | 3.50 | |||||
Child | 3.00 | |||||
Public school (field trips) | 3.00 per person | |||||
Effective January 1, 2006 | ||||||
Yearly memberships: | ||||||
Dinos For All Standard Family Membership (must be purchased in person and requires a valid ID and SNAP/EBT card) | $50.00 | |||||
Pavilion rental, per 4 hours | 20.00 | |||||
Alcoholic beverage permit | 50.00 | |||||
Standard* | Gold** | Platinum*** | ||||
Family (two adults and named children) | $75.00 | $125.00 | $200.00 | |||
Dual (any two individuals) | $60.00 | $95.00 | $150.00 | |||
Individual | $45.00 | $75.00 | $125.00 |
* Includes free admission to park and exclusive members only events, discount at gift shop, rentals, and educational series, and reciprocity at other venues.
** Includes free admission to park and exclusive members only events, discount at gift shop, rentals, and educational series, reciprocity at other venues, two additional guests per visit, and priority registration for park events.
*** Includes free admission to park and exclusive members only events, discount at gift shop, rentals, and educational series, reciprocity at other venues, four additional guests per visit, priority registration for park events, and private tours.
After hours, private parties require a minimum of 100 people. A nonrefundable security deposit covering admission for 100 attendees is required to secure a reservation.
Admission fee adjustments may be made as part of programs or agreements approved by the department director for promotional purposes. Any program or agreement providing for adjustments to fees shall be designated and intended to increase regular attendance at the park, considering the expected return and how it will be measured.
Fees for birthday party packages may be established by the department director, provided such fees include the price of admission to the park.
8. Lorin Farr Pool And Rampage Water Slide: | ||||||
Daily passes: | ||||||
All day/all area (ages 4 and older) | $ 3.00 | |||||
Toddlers (under 4) | Free | |||||
Spectator | 1.00 | |||||
Youth groups of 5 or more (ages 8 - 17) as part of a youth program of a bona fide nonprofit organization | 2.00 per person | |||||
Season passes: | ||||||
Individual | 40.00 | |||||
Family (all immediate family members residing at the same address) | 100.00 | |||||
Individual punch pass: | ||||||
5 punches | 13.00 | |||||
10 punches | 25.00 | |||||
Group rentals (7:00 to 10:00 P.M.): | ||||||
Pool (1 - 100 people) | 90.00 per hour | |||||
Each additional person | 1.50 | |||||
Swim lessons, per session | 30.00 | |||||
Private swim lessons | $15.00 per 30 minute lesson | |||||
Equipment rentals: | All Day
| Per Hour
Equipment rentals: | All Day
| Per Hour
| |||
Umbrella | $10.00 | $2.00 | |||
Table | 5.00 | 1.00 | |||
Combination table and umbrella | 12.00 | 2.50 | |||
Life jacket | 5.00 | 1.00 | |||
Fins | 5.00 | 1.00 | |||
Mask | 5.00 | 1.00 | |||
Combination life jacket, fins and mask | 8.00 | 2.50 | |||
Locker | 0.50 | - | |||
9. Marshall White Community Center:
a. Building/Facility Rentals: (Prices vary according to whether the rental occurs during or after the operating hours of the center.)
Operating Hours | After Hours |
Operating Hours | After Hours | ||||
Meeting rooms | $10.00/hour | $20.00/hour | |||
Gym: | |||||
Half court | 15.00/hour | 20.00/hour | |||
Full court | 30.00/hour | 40.00/hour | |||
Kitchen | 15.00/hour | 20.00/hour | |||
Pool | 35.00/hour | 45.00/hour | |||
Long term pool (3 months or more) | 30.00/hour | 35.00/hour | |||
Sound system | 50.00/hour | 50.00/hour | |||
Equipment setup | 50.00/hour | 50.00/hour | |||
Groups renting the gym for any activity or program involving the charging of a fee or admission by the participants shall pay the above stated fees plus 50 percent of the rental rate. A gym rental deposit of $150.00 is required for rentals by groups of 50 or more people and rentals for 4 or more hours. A gym rental deposit of $50.00 is required for groups of fewer than 50 people under 4 hours.
Security officers are mandatory for after hour rentals and must be approved by MWC.
b. | MWC Programs/Activities: | |||||
Youth daily pass (swim, weight room, and gym ages 5 - 17) | $2.00 | |||||
Youth daily gym only (ages 5 - 17) | Free | |||||
Adult daily pass (swim, weight room and gym, ages 18 and older) | 3.00 | |||||
Senior daily pass (swim, weight room and gym, ages 55 and older) | 2.00 | |||||
Veterans daily pass (swim, weight room and gym) | Free | |||||
Senior/youth (ages 5 - 17) monthly pass (swim, weight room, and gym): | ||||||
1 month | 18.00 | |||||
3 months | 45.00 | |||||
6 months | 75.00 | |||||
12 months | 160.00 | |||||
Adult monthly pass (swim, weight room and gym ages 18 and over): | ||||||
1 month | 20.00 | |||||
3 months | 50.00 | |||||
6 months | 95.00 | |||||
12 months | 180.00 | |||||
Family monthly pass (swim, weight room and gym for up to 6 people at same address): | ||||||
1 month | 40.00 | |||||
3 months | 110.00 | |||||
6 months | 205.00 | |||||
12 months | 350.00 | |||||
Additional family members at same address (per person): | ||||||
1 month | 5.00 | |||||
3 months | 15.00 | |||||
6 months | 25.00 | |||||
12 months | 45.00 | |||||
20 punch card | 30.00 | |||||
20 punch card (senior/youth) | 25.00 | |||||
Individual pool only pass: | ||||||
3 months | 30.00 | |||||
6 months | 55.00 | |||||
12 months | 95.00 | |||||
Family pool only pass (up to 4 people at same address): | ||||||
3 months | 60.00 | |||||
6 months | 110.00 | |||||
12 months | 205.00 | |||||
Additional family members at same address for pool only pass (per person): | ||||||
3 months | 10.00 | |||||
6 months | 10.00 | |||||
12 months | 10.00 | |||||
Swim lessons, per session | 30.00 | |||||
Private swim lessons | $15.00 per 30 minute lesson | |||||
Kayak polo | $5.00 per individual per session | |||||
$75.00 annual pass (nontransferable) | ||||||
USTA junior tennis program | $ 4.00 | |||||
Tennis instruction: | ||||||
13 years and older | 20.00 | |||||
Ages 7 - 12 | 15.00 | |||||
6 years and younger | 10.00 | |||||
10. Youth And Adult Sports Programs: | ||||||
Adult basketball | 400.00 per team | |||||
Adult volleyball | 200.00 per team | |||||
Adult flag football | 425.00 per team | |||||
Adult softball leagues | $360.00 plus $20.00 USSSA sanction fee | |||||
Adult fall softball | $225.00 | |||||
Adult softball tournament: | ||||||
3 game guarantee | 250.00 | |||||
2 game guarantee | 200.00 | |||||
Softball leagues double header | $530.00 plus $20.00 USSSA sanction fee | |||||
Pickleball league (youth and adult) | $25.00 per participant | |||||
Tennis lessons: | ||||||
Youth (ages 9 - 17) | $ 30.00* | |||||
Adult (ages 18 and over) | 35.00 | |||||
Ski school: | ||||||
Youth (ages 8 - 18) | 40.00 | |||||
Adult (ages 19 and over) | 45.00 | |||||
Summer park program (per participant) | 15.00* | |||||
Youth flag football (per participant) | 25.00* | |||||
Youth 7 on 7 football tournament | 150.00 per team | |||||
Youth junior jazz basketball (per participant): | ||||||
3rd - 4th grades | 30.00* | |||||
5th - 12th grades | 35.00* | |||||
Youth basketball tournament | 85.00 per team | |||||
Youth baseball/softball/T-ball (per participant): | ||||||
T-ball | 15.00* | |||||
Machine pitch | 25.00* | |||||
Babe Ruth boys baseball: | ||||||
Minors (ages 9 - 10) | 30.00 per player* | |||||
Majors (ages 11 - 12) | 30.00 per player* | |||||
Prep (ages 13 - 15) | 40.00 per player* | |||||
Seniors (ages 16 - 18) | 45.00 per player* | |||||
Girls softball: | ||||||
Ages 7 - 8 coach pitch | 25.00* | |||||
Ages 9 - 12 fast pitch | 30.00* | |||||
Ages 13 - 16 fast pitch | 35.00* | |||||
Youth competitive baseball league per 10 game league: | ||||||
7th/8th grade | 625.00 per team | |||||
5th/6th grade | 625.00 per team | |||||
3rd/4th grade | 625.00 per team | |||||
Youth competitive baseball league per 20 game league (all grades) | 1,200.00 per team | |||||
Instructional baseball league | $225.00 per participant | |||||
Utah state high school all-star underclassman | $50.00 per participant | |||||
High school baseball tournament | $625.00 to $725.00 per team dependent on number of games offered | |||||
All-Star Baseball Showcase | $100.00 per player | |||||
Pitchers | $150.00 | |||||
Youth baseball tournament 8U through 16U | $200.00 to $450.00 per team dependent on number of games offered | |||||
American Amateur Baseball Congress Of Utah: | ||||||
AABCU | $ 25.00 per team | |||||
Outdoor volleyball - UOVA (Utah Outdoor Volleyball Association): | ||||||
UOVA members, in advance | 15.00** | |||||
UOVA members, day of event | 20.00** | |||||
Nonmembers, in advance | 25.00** | |||||
Nonmembers, day of event | 30.00** | |||||
Sand volleyball leagues: | ||||||
Double | 50.00 per team | |||||
Four | 120.00 per team | |||||
Six | 180.00 per team | |||||
AAU basketball tournament | 225.00 per team | |||||
AAU girls national basketball championships | 325.00 per team | |||||
AAU girls basketball tournament | 150.00 per team | |||||
AAU girls basketball state tournament | 175.00 per team | |||||
3 on 3 outdoor basketball tournament: | ||||||
Adult team (ages 19 and over) | 80.00 | |||||
Youth team | 80.00 | |||||
Team tennis | 200.00 per team | |||||
Tennis tournament: | ||||||
First event | 15.00 per player | |||||
Additional events within same tournament | 10.00 per player | |||||
Fishing club | 15.00 | |||||
*Youths participating in the youth programs marked above by an asterisk (*), who are not residents of Ogden City, shall be subject to an additional fee of 30 percent of the stated fee.
**The fees for outdoor volleyball shall be those rates set forth in the guidelines established by the Utah Outdoor Volleyball Association and are subject to any increases set forth in those guidelines.
11. Golden Hours Senior Center: | ||||||
a. | Activities: | |||||
Dances | $3.00 per person | |||||
Classes with paid instructor*: | ||||||
Ceramics | $1.00 per class per person | |||||
Porcelain | $1.00 per class per person | |||||
Crafts | $1.50 per class per person | |||||
Art | $1.00 per class per person | |||||
Low impact aerobics | $0.50 per class per person | |||||
Computer | $25.00 per session per person | |||||
Stained glass | $45.00 plus supply costs | |||||
Machine quilting | $25.00 plus supply costs | |||||
Kiln firing fee | ½ price of the greenware per firing | |||||
Supplies | City cost | |||||
*Provision of class depending upon class size and availability of instructor.
b. Building/Room Rental* **:
(1) No fee charged for admission:
Onetime Rentals | Open Hours | After Hours | ||
Meeting rooms | $ 10.00 | per hour | $ 15.00 | per hour |
Gymnasium/hall: | ||||
Full area | 20.00 | per hour | 25.00 | per hour |
Half/third | 10.00 | per hour | 15.00 | per hour |
Kitchen | 10.00 | per hour | 15.00 | per hour |
Gym/kitchen combined | 25.00 | per hour | 30.00 | per hour |
Monthly Rentals*** | Open Hours | After Hours | ||
Meeting rooms | $ 25.00 | per month | $ 50.00 | per month |
Gymnasium/hall: | ||||
Full to third area | 62.50 | per month | 125.00 | per month |
Kitchen | 25.00 | per month | 50.00 | per month |
Craft room | 25.00 | per month | 50.00 | per month |
Gym/kitchen combined | 75.00 | per month | 150.00 | per month |
(2) Groups charging admission fees to participants:
Onetime Rentals | Open Hours | After Hours | ||
Meeting rooms | $ 15.00 | per hour | $ 22.50 | per hour |
Gymnasium/hall: | ||||
Full area | 30.00 | per hour | 37.50 | per hour |
Half/third | 15.00 | per hour | 22.50 | per hour |
Kitchen | 15.00 | per hour | 22.50 | per hour |
Gym/kitchen combined | 37.50 | per hour | 45.00 | per hour |
Monthly Rentals*** | Open Hours | After Hours | ||
Meeting rooms | $ 50.00 | per month | $ 75.00 | per month |
Gymnasium/hall: | ||||
Full to third area | 125.00 | per month | 187.00 | per month |
Kitchen | 50.00 | per month | 75.00 | per month |
Craft room | 50.00 | per month | 75.00 | per month |
Gym/kitchen combined | 150.00 | per month | 225.00 | per month |
*All requests for rentals are evaluated on a first come, first serve basis and are based on availability. Rentals of the Golden Hours facilities must be by persons 60 years and older or by groups for the benefit of persons 60 years and older. Groups renting the facility are responsible for providing their own supplies and cleaning up after the event.
**Qualified, nonprofit senior organizations (for persons 60 years and older) may use the meeting rooms at no charge during operating hours (if available) and the gymnasium at half the above price if the organization does not charge any of the participants. Groups renting the gymnasium after hours or during operating hours for any activities or programs involving the charging of a fee or admission by the participants shall pay the above stated fee, plus 50 percent of the rental fee.
***Monthly rental costs are for 25 hours a month. Additional hours will be prorated.
12. Fields And Courts*: | ||||||
Monroe softball field, Bonneville baseball fields, Serge Simmons baseball field and Marv Casteel softball field: | ||||||
League and tournament requests per use for the diamond preparation; diamonds will be prepared by city recreation | $ 20.00 | per use | ||||
League and tournament requests per use for diamond lights | 25.00 | per hour | ||||
Tournament fee; onetime use fee, per day for each field used | 20.00 | per use per day | ||||
Fourth Street softball fields: | ||||||
League and tournament requests per use for the diamond preparation; diamonds will be prepared by city recreation | 20.00 | per use | ||||
League and tournament requests per use for diamond lights | 10.00 | per hour | ||||
Tournament fee; onetime use fee, per day for each field used | 25.00 | per use per day | ||||
Mt. Ogden Soccer fields: | ||||||
League and tournament requests: | ||||||
Youth leagues (U-18 and under): | ||||||
Competitive (per participant per season) | 3.00 | |||||
Recreational (per participant per season) | 1.00 | |||||
Adult leagues per hour, per field | 15.00 | per hour per field | ||||
Soccer fields (except Mt. Ogden): Lyons 23rd Street, 4th Street Romrell, 4th Street South, 9th Street, Grandview, Marshall White, Orchard, Ron Clair, Jefferson, Monroe, Big D Sports Park, Mt. Eyrie, Jaycee and West Stadium: | ||||||
League and tournament requests: | ||||||
Youth leagues (U-18 and under) competitive and recreational | No charge | |||||
Adult leagues per hour, per field | 15.00 | per hour per field | ||||
Tennis courts: Liberty, Mt. Erie, Mt. Ogden and Monroe: | ||||||
Organized play or practice requests | 5.00 | per match | ||||
Organized play or practice requests | 20.00 | per day, per court | ||||
Pickleball courts: Mt. Ogden: | ||||||
Organized play or practice requests | 5.00 | per match | ||||
Organized play or practice requests | 20.00 | per day, per court | ||||
Fourth Street sand volleyball courts: | ||||||
League and tournament requests | 4.00 | per match per court | ||||
Tournament fee; onetime use per day for each court used | 20.00 | |||||
Deposit; a refundable deposit for city volleyball nets and lines per set | 100.00 | per set | ||||
*Note: The above fees are imposed in addition to any other fees in subsection B10 of this section.
The recreation division reserves the right to limit field use, relocate or cancel games due to field conditions or capacity issues.
Reservations are required for organized games. Unauthorized play may result in loss of field privileges.
13. Special Events: | ||||||
Permit application and processing fee: | ||||||
Class I special event: | ||||||
Commercial filming | $200.00 | |||||
Other | No charge | |||||
Class II special event | No charge | |||||
(Permit application and processing fees do not include charges for city services pursuant to section 6-5-5 of this code)
14. Ogden Amphitheater: | ||||||
Front stage | $ 75.00 | per hour | ||||
500.00 | per day | |||||
Back stage | 40.00 | per hour | ||||
250.00 | per day | |||||
Extended seating area (plaza) | 250.00 | per day | ||||
Use of sound/light board | 10.00 | per hour | ||||
75.00 | per day | |||||
Staffing: | ||||||
Sound/light board operator | 50.00 | per hour | ||||
Facility (parks division) staff | 25.00 | per hour per employee | ||||
Stage/house manager | 50.00 | per hour | ||||
Alcoholic beverage permit | 50.00 | |||||
Fee for use of the front stage includes: a) use of the fixed seating area and grass; b) use of up to 4 microphones; c) stage chairs; d) music stands; and e) exterior electrical.
Usage based on hourly rates requires a 4 hour minimum per day, provided on a consecutive basis, for each area or service. Extended area seating not available on an hourly basis.
Use of 5 or more microphones requires the use of the sound board.
Local, nonprofit organizations with a 501(c)(3) status shall pay 35 percent of the above fees, except the fee for alcoholic beverage permits, for any event which is open to the public with no admission charge. A nonprofit organization shall be considered to be “local” if its principal place of business is located in the city.
15. Miscellaneous Recreation Classes: The director of the department may from time to time establish fees for recreation classes not otherwise established in this section, which fees shall at a minimum cover the cost of instructors, class materials, and any additional costs identified by the department as directly related to the class. The fee shall also include a reasonable amount to cover all or part of the indirect costs incurred by the city in sponsoring such class or activity. In no event shall the instructor receive more than 80 percent of the fee collected for such class. Prior to establishing such fees, a budget plan will be established for each activity and be used to monitor the cost of each class.
16. City Events: It is not the intent of this subsection to require the imposition of fees imposed in this subsection B applicable to special events or the use of any facility on a contractor or agent of the city conducting a “city event”, as defined in title 6, chapter 5 of this code, within such facility pursuant to such contract, unless otherwise required under the terms of the contract.
17. Reserved.
18. Water Utility:
Service restoration fees (see section 9-1-11 of this code) | ||||||
Water hookup fees (see section 9-2-4 of this code) | ||||||
Water rates (see section 9-1-6 of this code) | ||||||
Late payment charge, per month | $15.00 | |||||
Disconnect or abandoned line (see subsection 9-2-10D of this code) | ||||||
Service trip charge for trips requested by the customer (charged for turning water on and off for test, turning water on for new or reinstated service, tap open, return trips, etc.) | $30.00 | |||||
Missing or destroyed locks (removed when tampering): | ||||||
Padlock | 10.00 | each | ||||
Hinged lock | 40.00 | each | ||||
Rethaw of frozen lines after notice issued to let water run (street side of lines only) | 25.00 | per hour | ||||
Rebilling charge for irrigation (rental of shares) | 5.00 | |||||
19. Sanitary Sewer Utility And Storm Sewer Utility:
(see section 9-5-3 of this code)
a. Sanitary Sewer Service Charges: The monthly service charge for sanitary sewer services shall be charged each customer to whom water service is available based on meter size serving the premises, regardless of whether any water is used, as follows:
Monthly Sanitary Sewer Service Charge (Base Rate) Table | |
Water Meter Size | Base Rate From July 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2022 (Including 2021 Blended Inflation Adjustment) |
Monthly Sanitary Sewer Service Charge (Base Rate) Table | |
Water Meter Size | Base Rate From July 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2022 (Including 2021 Blended Inflation Adjustment) |
3/4" or smaller | $ 32.78 |
1" | 54.28 |
11/2" | 75.73 |
2" | 121.54 |
3" | 339.27 |
4" | 426.80 |
6" | 949.84 |
8" and larger | 1740.76 |
Current year rate = (previous year rate* + current year rate increase) x (1 + current year Blended Inflation Adjustment (BIA)) | |
Sample calculation: 2022 rate calculation for 3/4" meter assuming 2021 BIA = 2%: $33.44 = ($32.78 + $0.00) x (1 + .02) | |
*Previous year rate is the rate in effect on the day immediately before the current year rate is calculated. | |
In addition to the base rate, the following monthly sanitary sewer usage charges apply to water usage over the stated volumes:
Monthly Sanitary Sewer Usage Charge | ||
Water Meter Size | Allowance Over Which Additional Charge Imposed | Rate Per 1,000 Gallons Over Allowance From July 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2022 (Including 2021 BIA Increase) |
1" and smaller without secondary | Average monthly winter usage over 6,000 gallons per month1 | $0.40 |
1" and smaller with secondary | All monthly water usage over 6,000 gallons per month | 0.40 |
Larger than 1" | No minimum allowance - all usage charged | 0.40 |
Note: 1. Average monthly winter usage for a customer without access to secondary water is the average monthly amount of water used between November and April, in accordance with policies and procedures adopted by administrative order. Winter usage is updated on July 1 of each year. For new accounts where winter usage is not known, only the base rate will be charged until the July 1 after the information is available. |
b. Storm Sewer Service Fees: The monthly service charge for storm sewer services shall be based on equivalent service units (“ESUs”) contained in the parcel pursuant to section 9-5-3 of this code. The amount charged for each ESU is as follows:
Monthly Storm Sewer Rates | Rate From July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 (Including 2021 BIA Increase) | |
Residential | Each unit | $ 8.47 |
Business | Each unit | 8.47 |
Current year rate = (previous year rate* + current year rate increase) x (1 + current year BIA) | ||
Sample calculation: 2022 rate calculation assuming 2021 BIA = 2%: $ 8.64 = ($8.47 + $0.00) x (1 + .02) | ||
*Previous year rate is the rate in effect on the day immediately before the current year rate is calculated. |
c. Sanitary Sewer Hookup Fees:
For direct connection to a sewer line or manhole for which city employees perform the work (includes the approximate average cost of material, labor, equipment, administration) | $334.00 per tap |
For direct connection to a sewer line or manhole for which the person requesting the connection performs the work (includes the approximate average cost of inspection and administration) | 92.25 per tap |
d. Increases:
(1) The monthly sanitary sewer service charge, monthly sewer usage charge and monthly storm sewer rate shall be increased annually on July 1 in perpetuity by a blended inflation adjustment (BIA) determined as follows:
(0.67 multiplied by the percentage change in the west region consumer price index for all items derived for urban consumers (west region CPI-U), without any seasonal adjustment, for the prior year from January to January and produced by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (CPI)) plus (0.33 multiplied by the percentage change in the construction cost index shown by American City and County for the prior year from January to January (CCI)).
The blended inflation adjustment shown as a formula is: BIA = (0.67 * CPI) + (0.33 * CCI).
(2) If the blended inflation adjustment falls below zero for the prior January to January period, no inflation adjustment will be made.
e. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permits:
0.00 | $100.00, plus $50.00 per month of construction activity under the permit | |
Sites over 1 acre but under 5 | $100.00, plus $50.00 per month of construction activity under the permit | |
Sites 1 acre or less | $50.00, plus $50.00 per month of construction activity under the permit | |
Permit/plan modifications (formal applications only) | $50.00 |
20. Refuse Collection And Disposal Charges:
Refuse Rate From July 1, 2020 Through June 30, 2021 (Including 2020 CPI Increase) | ||
96 gallon cart | 64 gallon cart | |
Primary Cart Monthly Fee* | $21.43 | $16.95 |
Additional Cart(s) Monthly Fee | $18.69 | $14.16 |
Cart Replacement Fee | Actual cost to city to purchase a new cart | |
Pick up/delivery of carts, each trip (regardless of cart size) | $26.72 | |
*Charges are based on the number of carts provided for the collection of garbage and nonrecyclable refuse. Charges for the collection and disposal of recyclable materials, regardless of the number of carts provided for recyclable materials, are included in the costs of the first cart provided for the collection of garbage and nonrecyclable refuse. |
A $2.50 per month discount off of the total cost for refuse services is given to any user who, as owner of the property, is each year granted an abatement for taxes on their dwelling in Weber County under Utah Code Annotated sections 59-2-1106 through 59-2-1108, or its successor provision.
In addition, the refuse collection and disposal charges shall be increased annually on July 1 in perpetuity by the percentage change in the west region consumer price index for all items derived for urban consumers (west region CPI-U), without any seasonal adjustment, for the prior calendar year and produced by the United States bureau of labor statistics (CPI). If the CPI falls below zero for the prior calendar year, no CPI adjustment will be made.
21. Green Waste Materials:
Compost | $15.00 | per yard | |
3.00 | per bag | ||
Rock chips | 5.00 | per yard | |
Wood chips (fine and large) | 10.00 | per yard | |
Firewood split | 80.00 | per cord | |
3.00 | per bundle | ||
Firewood cut | 60.00 | per cord | |
Uncovered load fee | 10.00 | ||
Mulch | 7.00 | per yard | |
22. Promotional Activities: Short term adjustments or rebates to current fees set forth in this subsection B may be made for promotional purposes. Promotional activities must be approved in advance by the Mayor or the Mayor’s designee.
C. Fire Department:
Ambulance charges | See title 12, chapter 9 of this Code | ||
HAZMAT response | Actual cost | ||
Disposable medical supplies | Actual cost | ||
Burning permits | $ 10.00 | ||
Incident/medical report (other than arson investigation reports), provided that there will be no charge for the first copy provided to a patient or property owner involved in the incident | 15.00 | ||
Arson investigation report, without photos | 25.00 | ||
Arson investigation report, with photos | $25.00, plus $5.00 per disk or actual reproduction charge for prints | ||
CPR class (per person) | $35.00 | ||
CPR recertification (per person) | 35.00 | ||
Fire safety training trailer | 35.00 | per first hour | |
25.00 | per each additional hour | ||
Heartsaver CPR class | 50.00 | ||
D. Police Department:
Animal services division | See title 13 of this Code | ||
Burglary and robbery alarms | See title 5, chapter 6 of this Code |
Black And White | Color |
Black And White | Color | |||
Crime scene photos: | ||||
4 inches x 5 inches | $ 4.50 | $ 5.50 | ||
5 inches x 7 inches | 5.00 | 7.00 | ||
8 inches x 10 inches | 7.00 | 10.00 | ||
Fingerprints per card | 10.00 | |||
Fingerprints for persons applying as a volunteer with a charitable, nonprofit organization | 2.00 | |||
Police reports | 25.00 | |||
Photographs for licenses | 5.70 | |||
Landlord training program | 40.00 | per individual* | ||
Sex offender registration | 25.00 | per registration | ||
Towing rotation: | ||||
Original application | 200.00 | |||
Annual renewal | 100.00 | |||
*Any landlord planning to send more than 4 of its officers, directors, managers or employees to the landlord training program may pay a group rate of $160.00 per calendar year.
E. Public Works: Repealed.
F. Citywide Fees:
1. Service charge assessed for each payment by check, debit card, credit card, automated clearing house transaction, or other acceptable form of electronic payment in which the financial institution refuses payment of the amount. | $20.00 plus applicable collection costs |
2. City records (see Chapter 5 of this Title). (See applicable department fee schedule for charges pertaining to specific type of records. Standards for fees, fee waivers, payment of past fees, and prepayments are covered in section 4-5-2 of this Title. Notwithstanding the charges designated below, the City reserves the right to charge the actual cost of duplicating a record, compiling a record in a form other than that maintained by the City, postage, or other cost reasonably related to the City’s cost of fulfilling the request for copies of records.)
Software generated reports | $15.00 | |
Site Assessments | $100.00 | |
Copy, per page (if no other charge is designated): | $0.25 plus | |
Certified copy | $5.00 | |
Notarized copy | Set by Utah Notary Public Reform Act | |
Drawings, aerial photos | Actual costs | |
3. Hearing Officer appeals under section 1-4B-10 of this Code | $25.00 | |
G. City Attorney’s Office:
Attorney fee for civil matters | 181.00 per hour | |
Discovery up to 50 pages | 10.00 each | |
Discovery 51 pages and over | $10.00 plus $0.25 per page after 50 pages | |
CD/DVD | $25.00 each |
(1979 Code § 4.20.010; amd. Ord. 93-56, 10-12-1993; Ord. 93-68, 12-21-1993; Ord. 94-17, 4-5-1994; Ord. 94-22, 5-24-1994; Ord. 94-24, 6-7-1994; Ord. 94-25, 6-7-1994; Ord. 94-26, 6-7-1994; Ord. 94-27, 6-7-1994; Ord. 94-51, 10-18-1994; Ord. 94-61, 11-22-1994; Ord. 95-3, 1-10-1995; Ord. 95-12, 3-7-1995; Ord. 95-14, 3-21-1995; Ord. 95-37, 6-20-1995; Ord. 95-38, 6-20-1995; Ord. 95-39, 6-20-1995; Ord. 95-44, 6-27-1995; Ord. 95-64, 9-26-1995; Ord. 96-15, 4-9-1996; Ord. 96-24, 5-7-1996; Ord. 96-28, 6-25-1996; Ord. 96-35, 7-16-1996; Ord. 96-36, 7-16-1996; Ord. 96-38, 7-16-1996; Ord. 96-59, 11-19-1996; Ord. 97-48, 6-17-1997, eff. 7-1-1997; Ord. 97-49, 6-17-1997, eff. 7-1-1997; Ord. 97-50, 6-17-1997, eff. 7-1-1997; Ord. 97-51, 6-17-1997, eff. 7-1-1997; Ord. 97-52, 6-17-1997; Ord. 97-53, 6-17-1997, eff. 7-1-1997; Ord. 97-54, 6-17-1997, eff. 7-1-1997; Ord. 97-63, 8-26-1997; Ord. 98-41, 6-16-1998, eff. 7-1-1998; Ord. 98-42, 6-16-1998, eff. 7-1-1998; Ord. 98-43, 6-16-1998, eff. 7-1-1998; 1999 Code; Ord. 99-30, 6-22-1999, eff. 7-1-1999; Ord. 2001-3, 1-2-2001; Ord. 2001-11, 2-20-2001; Ord. 2001-38, 6-12-2001, eff. 1-1-2002; Ord. 2001-42, 7-3-2001, eff. retroactive to 7-1-2001; Ord. 2001-43, 6-19-2001, eff. 7-1-2001; Ord. 2001-59, 9-25-2001; Ord. 2001-70, 12-18-2001; Ord. 2002-30, 5-7-2002; Ord. 2002-38, 6-18-2002, eff. 7-1-2002; Ord. 2002-49, 8-6-2002; Ord. 2002-57, 9-17-2002; Ord. 2002-63, 9-24-2002; Ord. 2003-4, 1-14-2003; Ord. 2003-14, 3-18-2003; Ord. 2003-28, 6-17-2003, eff. 7-1-2003; Ord. 2003-43, 8-5-2003; Ord. 2003-45, 8-19-2003; Ord. 2004-42, 6-15-2004, eff. 7-1-2004; Ord. 2004-43, 6-15-2004, eff. 7-1-2004; Ord. 2004-48, 6-15-2004, eff. 7-1-2004; Ord. 2004-72, 10-12-2004; Ord. 2005-17, 3-22-2005; Ord. 2005-29, 5-24-2005; Ord. 2005-39, 6-14-2005, eff. 7-1-2005; Ord. 2006-33, 6-13-2006; Ord. 2006-34, 6-13-2006, eff. 7-1-2006; Ord. 2006-45, 7-25-2006; Ord. 2006-76, 11-21-2006; Ord. 2006-80, 11-28-2006, eff. 1-1-2007; Ord. 2007-21, 5-22-2007; Ord. 2007-41, 6-12-2007; Ord. 2007-42, 6-12-2007; Ord. 2007-76, 11-13-2007; Ord. 2007-79, 12-18-2007; Ord. 2008-24, 6-10-2008, eff. 7-1-2008; Ord. 2008-25, 6-10-2008, eff. 7-1-2008; Ord. 2008-26, 6-10-2008, eff. 7-1-2008; Ord. 2008-27, 6-10-2008, eff. 7-1-2008; Ord. 2008-28, 6-10-2008, eff. 11-1-2008; Ord. 2008-47, 10-7-2008; Ord. 2008-53, 10-14-2008; Ord. 2009-41, 6-2-2009; Ord. 2009-42, 6-16-2009, eff. 7-1-2009; Ord. 2009-43, 6-16-2009, eff. 7-1-2009; Ord. 2010-21, 6-22-2010, eff. 7-1-2010; Ord. 2010-22, 6-22-2010, eff. 7-1-2010; Ord. 2010-23, 6-22-2010; Ord. 2010-24, 6-22-2010, eff. 7-1-2010; Ord. 2011-31, 6-21-2011, eff. 7-1-2011; Ord. 2011-32, 6-21-2011, eff. 7-1-2011; Ord. 2011-34, 6-21-2011, eff. 7-1-2011; Ord. 2011-53, 12-20-2011; Ord. 2011-54, 12-20-2011; Ord. 2012-23, 8-21-2012; Ord. 2012-50, 12-18-2012; Ord. 2013-14, 4-2-2013; Ord. 2013-29, 6-18-2013; Ord. 2013-30, 6-18-2013; Ord. 2013-44, 10-15-2013; Ord. 2013-46, 12-3-2013, eff. 1-1-2014; Ord. 2013-47, 12-3-2013, eff. 1-1-2014; Ord. 2014-24, 6-17-2014; Ord. 2014-47, 3-17-2015; Ord. 2015-28, 6-16-2015; Ord. 2015-29, 6-16-2015; Ord. 2015-30, 6-16-2015, eff. 7-1-2015; Ord. 2015-51, 12-8-2015; Ord. 2016-34, 6-21-2016; Ord. 2016-65, 1-3-2017; Ord. 2018-13, 6-26-2018; Ord. 2018-14, 6-26-2018; Ord. 2018-15, 6-26-2018; Ord. 2018-36, 12-18-2018; Ord. 2018-37, 12-18-2018; Ord. 2020-21, 7-7-2020; Ord. 2020-22, 7-7-2020; Ord. 2020-64, 1-5-2021; Ord. 2021-10, 4-6-2021; Ord. 2021-31, 6-22-2021; Ord. 2021-33, 7-6-2021; Ord. 2022-36, 7-12-2022; Ord. 2023-2, 1-3-2023; Ord. 2023-3, 1-3-2023; Ord. 2023-37, 6-20-2023; Ord. 2023-38, 6-20-2023; Ord. 2023-40, 6-20-2023; Ord. 2023-47, 7-18-2023; Ord. 2024-12, 5-7-2024; Ord. 2024-39, 12-17-2024; Ord. 2024-40, 12-17-2024)