14-3-1: Street Arrangement
14-3-2: Street Widths; Easements
14-3-3: Blocks
14-3-4: Lot Design
14-3-5: Public Open Spaces
14-3-6: Required Improvements
14-3-7: Subdivision Improvement Agreements; Guarantees For Required Improvements Installation; Forms
14-3-8: Rules And Regulations
14-3-9: Partial Development Standards
14-3-10: Delay In Improvements Installation; Procedure
A. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of the existing streets in adjoining areas (or their proper protection where adjoining land is not subdivided) insofar as such may be deemed necessary by the city engineer and the planning commission for public requirements. The street arrangement should be such as to cause no unnecessary hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it.
B. All streets shall be perpendicular to each other at intersections, provided that:
1. Local streets may approach arterial or collector streets at an angle of up to five degrees (5°) with approval from the City Engineer; and
2. Collector streets and higher may approach arterial, collector, or local streets at an angle of up to four degrees (4°) with approval from the City Engineer.
(1979 Code § 17.20.010; amd. Ord. 2020-41, 9-15-2020)
A. Arterial And Collector Streets: Arterial and collector streets shall be located in those areas designated in the transportation master plan. Unless a greater width is specified by ordinance of by any required traffic study:
1. Arterial streets shall have a minimum width of one hundred feet (100'); and
2. Collector streets shall have a minimum width of seventy two feet (72').
B. Local Streets:
1. Local streets shall have a minimum width of:
a. Fifty six feet (56') for local streets which receive a variance under Section 7-6-1 or which meet all of the following conditions:
(1) The street is expected, at the time of subdivision approval, to abut only single family and two-family residentially zoned properties;
(2) Parking is limited to the north or west side of the street;
(3) Utilities owned by or conveyed to the city are:
(A) Less than fifteen feet (15') deep; and
(B) Have a maximum pipe inside diameter of fifteen inches (15") for storm drain and eight inches (8") for water and sewer.
(4) The street has no horizontal curvature;
(5) The proposed width will adequately serve the city's transportation system needs, as determined by the city engineer; and
(6) The street does not abut lots intended for community facilities such as schools, recreation centers, or libraries.
b. Sixty feet (60') for local streets which receive a variance under Section 7-6-1 or which meet all of the following conditions:
(1) The street is expected, at the time of subdivision approval, to abut only properties zoned R-3, R-4 or R-5;
(2) Utilities owned by or conveyed to the city are:
(A) Less than fifteen feet (15') deep; and
(B) Have a maximum pipe inside diameter of twenty-four inches (24") for storm drain and twelve inches (12") for water and sewer; and
(3) Unless approved by the city engineer, the planning commission and the mayor, the street does not abut lots intended for community facilities such as schools, recreation centers, or libraries.
2. The width of a local street which does not meet the conditions of subsection B.1. shall be determined at the time of subdivision approval following submission of a traffic study as may be required by the city engineer.
3. At the time of subdivision approval, the width of a local street may be required to be enlarged to accommodate site specific needs, including:
a. Intersection turn lanes;
b. Community facilities;
c. Multi-family housing buildings with more than fifteen (15) units per building;
d. Transit facilities;
e. Enhanced pedestrian or bicycle facilities; and
f. Higher traffic volumes resulting from connecting previously separated areas of the city road network.
4. The improvements established within a local street shall include:
a. Except with the approval of the city engineer, the planning commission and the mayor, a seven foot (7') wide parking strip and a four foot (4') wide sidewalk on each side of the street; and
b. A pavement width, not including any required curb or gutter, of:
(1) Twenty six feet (26') for a fifty six foot (56') wide local street; or
(2) Thirty two feet (32') for a sixty foot (60') wide local street.
5. Reductions to the minimum width of local streets may be approved by the mayor, after review and recommendation by the city engineer, the fire marshal and the planning commission, at locations where parking on both sides of the street is prohibited or where special on street parking areas are established with features that protect the parking areas from the travel lanes, and such reduction will not result in a violation of the fire code as adopted pursuant to title 16 of this code.
C. Alleys: Alleys shall have a minimum width of twenty feet (20') and comply with the following requirements:
1. Alleys may be required in the rear of business lots.
2. Alleys may be accepted in residential blocks with approval by the planning commission, the city engineer and the fire marshal.
3. Alleys shall be an all concrete surface.
4. No city owned utilities may be installed under an alley.
5. Any directional change will require an "L" type alley configuration as shown in the adopted engineering standards.
6. No point on alley may be located more than five hundred feet (500') feet from a public street.
7. Dead end alleys are not allowed.
8. No parking is allowed within an alley.
9. Alleys will be private and may not be dedicated as right-of-way nor maintained by the city.
D. Cul-De-Sacs: Dead end streets, including cul-de-sacs, shall be used only where unusual conditions exist which make other designs undesirable.
1. Each cul-de-sac must be terminated by a turnaround of not less than one hundred feet (100') in diameter, with no less than ninety-six feet (96') of hard surface. If surface water drainage is into the turnaround due to the grade of the street, necessary catch basins and drainage easements shall be provided.
2. All temporary cul-de-sacs or dead end streets shall be provided with an adequate turning area at the dead end thereof, to be available for public use so long as the dead end condition exists.
3. Cul-de-sacs or dead end streets shall not extend more than seven hundred fifty feet (750') from a public street without fire marshal approval.
4. Reductions to the minimum width of cul-de-sacs may be approved by the mayor, after review and recommendation by the city engineer, the fire marshal and the planning commission, at locations where parking on the street is prohibited or where special on street parking areas are established that protect the areas from the travel lanes, and such reduction will not result in a violation of the fire code as adopted pursuant to title 16 of this code.
E. Easements For Drainage And Other Uses:
1. Easements for drainage through the property may be required by the city engineer.
2. Utility easements of not less than ten feet (10') in width shall be provided and dedicated to the city where required by the city engineer for utilities or other purposes as part of a creation of a new parcel or lot.
F. Reduced Pavement Width For Streets Serving One Lot Existing Before January 1, 1951:
1. The minimum street pavement width may be reduced by the mayor, after review and recommendation by the planning commission and the fire department, for an unimproved local street dedicated before January 1, 1951, in order to allow for the construction and use of one single-family dwelling, if all of the following conditions are met:
a. Only one lot can be accessed from this dedicated street.
b. The street shall have a minimum unobstructed pavement width of twenty feet (20').
c. Curb and gutter shall be provided on both sides of the pavement.
d. The length of the street shall not be longer than one hundred fifty feet (150') measured from the closest intersection to the farthest portion of the allowable buildable area on the applicable lot, unless a turnaround for emergency vehicles, approved by the fire department, is provided on the applicable lot along with the necessary grant of easement.
e. No water meter shall be located in the pavement of the dedicated street.
f. The reduced pavement, and curb and gutter or mountable curb and gutter, if applicable, shall be improved in accordance with city standards.
2. Nothing in this section waives the requirement that any reduction in the width of a dedicated street must be vacated by ordinance of the city council.
G. Variances approved by the city engineer for any work described in this chapter shall comply with section 7-6-1.
(1979 Code § 17.20.020; amd. 1999 Code; Ord. 2003-6, 2-18-2003; Ord. 2009-52, 8-4-2009; Ord. 2020-41, 9-15-2020)
Blocks shall not exceed one thousand three hundred feet (1,300') in length. Blocks over eight hundred feet (800') in length shall be provided with a dedicated walkway through the block at its approximate center. Such walkways shall be not less than ten feet (10') in width. The width of blocks generally shall be sufficient to allow two (2) tiers of lots. Blocks intended for business or industrial uses shall be designed specifically for such purposes with adequate space set aside for off street parking and delivery facilities.
(1979 Code § 17.20.030)
A. Arrangement: The lot arrangement and design shall be such that lots will provide satisfactory and desirable sites for buildings, be properly related to topography and to existing and probable future needs of infrastructure and lot usage, and provide for a diversity of lot sizes. To accomplish these goals, in part, the following standards shall specifically apply to lots created after April 6, 2004, when not established as part of a planned residential unit development, cottage lot development, or a group dwelling under the zoning title:
1. The minimum lot depth of any residential lot shall be a minimum of one hundred feet (100').
2. No more than sixty seven percent (67%) of the lots with a single-family zoning designation shall have a lot area (square footage) within a one thousand (1,000) square foot range of the minimum lot area required in the zone.
3. Lots with an R-2, R-2EC, R-3, R-3EC, or R-4 zone designation shall be designed so that no more than fifty percent (50%) of the lots have a lot area complying with the minimum lot area for a duplex or multiple-family dwelling in that zone.
B. Zoning And Sewage Requirements: All lots shown on the subdivision plan must conform to the minimum requirements of the zoning title for the zone in which the subdivision is located, and to the minimum requirements of the public works director for sewage disposal. The minimum width for any residential building lot shall be as required in the zoning title.
C. Dedicated Street: Each lot shall abut on a street dedicated by the recording of a subdivision or on an existing publicly dedicated street, or on a street which has become public by right of use and is more than twenty six feet (26') wide. Interior lots abutting on more than one street shall be prohibited except where unusual conditions make elimination of double fronted lots undesirable. If a double facing interior lot is determined to be appropriate, those lots which face more than one street shall be:
1. Twenty percent (20%) larger than the minimum required lot size for the zone in which the subdivision is located.
2. The rear portion of the lot shall have an added ten feet (10') of right of way dedicated, which will be between the adjacent property line and the sidewalk, and landscaped in accordance with an approved landscaping plan. This landscaped area shall be in addition to the requirement to provide a landscaped park strip.
3. The developer shall install as part of the required public improvements a six foot (6') see through wrought iron fence with a three foot (3') wide gate for each lot to provide maintenance access to the landscaped area and park strip. The fence shall be designed to have a minimum four inch (4") spacing for vertical members. The fence shall be placed along the property line facing the rear portion of the lot and the street.
The planning commission may impose restrictive covenants as determined to be necessary for maintenance of such required improvements.
D. Corner Lots; Width: Corner lots shall have extra width sufficient for maintenance of required building lines of both streets.
E. Sidelines; Right Angles: Sidelines of lots shall be approximately at right angles or radial to the street line.
F. Remnants: All remnants of lots below minimum size left over after subdividing of a larger tract must be added to adjacent lots rather than allowed to remain as unusable parcels.
G. Separate Ownership: Where the land covered by a subdivision includes two (2) or more parcels in separate ownership and the lot arrangement is such that a property ownership line divides one or more lots, the land in each lot so divided shall be transferred by deed to either single or joint ownership before approval of the final plan and such transfer verified by title report submitted to and approved by the city attorney.
(1979 Code § 17.20.040; amd. 1999 Code; Ord. 2002-62, 10-22-2002; Ord. 2004-18, 5-18-2004; Ord. 2022-53, 11-15-2022)