A. The purpose of this Chapter is to provide procedures and policies for the review of petitions, by the owners of private infrastructure, requesting that the City accept ownership and future maintenance costs and responsibilities of the private infrastructure.
B. It is not the purpose of this Chapter to provide a mechanism by which the City will accept any private infrastructure offered by its owners or to accept public responsibility for infrastructure that should remain in private ownership. The purpose is to provide a mechanism whereby private infrastructure may be accepted by the City, if the transfer is in compliance with the policies and standards provided herein. The City Council recognizes that benefits have been derived by property owners or developers in the original development of the private infrastructure, such as the reduction of costs, and in many instances it may not be equitable to the community at large for the public to assume such responsibilities.
(1979 Code § 12.44.010; Ord. 95-62, 9-19-1995)