A. It shall be unlawful for the owner, occupant or person in control of any corner lot in the City to erect, maintain or permit to grow any obstructions to the view of drivers of motor vehicles of other vehicles, pedestrians or traffic-control devices within the "sight triangle area" of said lot, as that term is defined in Section 7-3-2 of this Chapter. The following shall be presumed to constitute an obstruction under this Section:
1. Fences, retaining walls, signs, shrubs, berms or other landscaping exceeding the height of two feet (2') measured from the nearest and highest elevation of the adjacent curb, or if no curb exists from the nearest and highest elevation of the road surface;
2. Deciduous trees whose foliage is trimmed so as not to hang down closer than seven feet (7') to the ground; provided, that the Public Works Director, or designee, may restrict the number of such trees if such number would effectively obstruct the view of drivers.
B. Nothing contained in this Chapter shall be construed as prohibiting the construction of any house, garage, office, warehouse, or other structure that complies with the provisions of the Zoning Title or that constitutes a lawful prior nonconforming use.
(1979 Code § 12.16.010; amd. Ord. 97-92, 12-16-1997)
"Sight triangle area" means:
A. The area within the three (3) points forming a triangle described as follows:
1. The point required for a safe stopping distance based on line of sight, determined by the posted speed for the roadway where a vehicle approaching an intersection is not required to obey a stop or yield sign, aligned using the most conservative of:
a. Three feet (3') off center line paint toward the curb in the direction of vehicular travel;
b. Three feet (3') off perceived centerline of traveled path toward the curb in the direction of vehicular travel; or
c. Five feet (5') off of fog line paint toward the center of the road;
2. The point where the vehicle approaching the intersection would collide with a vehicle or pedestrian entering the intersection from the cross street; and
3. The point on the pavement where the vehicle or pedestrian on the cross street connecting to the intersection is directed to stop or yield or, if the cross street lacks pavement marking, the point five feet (5') off the edge of gutter for the approaching vehicle.
B. The minimum sight triangle distance where curbs are installed is that portion of a corner lot lying within a triangular area formed by measuring back along each of the curb lines to a point forty feet (40') from the intersection of said curb lines, and then connecting the two (2) points thus established with a third line. An example of a "sight triangle area" at an intersection where curbs are installed is marked off by the shaded area in the following illustration:

C. The minimum sight triangle distance where no curbs are installed is that portion of a corner lot lying within a triangle area formed by measuring back along the property lines adjacent to the intersecting streets to a point on each property line twenty feet (20') back from the intersection of said property lines and then connecting the two (2) points thus established with a third line. An example of a "sight triangle area" at an intersection where curbs have not been installed is marked off by the shaded area in the following illustration:

(1979 Code § 12.16.020; amd. Ord. 97-92, 12-16-1997; Ord. 2020-44, 9-15-2020)