(A)   The Council shall determine, by a majority vote of its members, the frequency, dates and times of regular meetings in order to properly conduct its business, but it shall hold at least one regular meeting in each month with a minimum of 22 meetings per year.
   (B)   Special meetings of the Council may be called, for any purpose, by the Mayor or any three members of the Council upon at least 24 hours notice to the Mayor and each member of the Council, which notice may be served personally or left at the usual place of residence. Members of the Council and the Mayor who attend special meetings of the Council or who are present at another regular or special meeting where a special meeting is announced by the presiding officer need not receive notice of the special meeting. Members of the Council and the Mayor may waive receipt of notice of a special meeting either prior or subsequent to the meeting.
   (C)   Any regular or special meeting of the Council may be adjourned or recessed to another time, date or place without giving the notice required in Division (B) of this Section.
   (D)   All meetings of the Council and of other Boards and Commissions of Obetz shall be held in accordance with the general laws of Ohio pertaining to requirements for open meetings of public bodies except for executive sessions as allowed by the laws of the State of Ohio and as Council may further provide by ordinance for matters declared in such ordinance to require confidentiality.
   (E)   All Council members shall dress appropriately in business attire at all Council meetings. This shall include all men on the Council dressing in a shirt and tie.