The following uses may be allowed in the Low Density Residential District (R-1) subject to approval of a Conditional Use permit in accordance with Chapter 1181.
   (a)    Child Daycare Center. A kindergarten or a child daycare facility as an Accessory Use of a dwelling or as a Principal Use of the lot, provided there shall be an outdoor play area of 200 square feet or more per child. Such play area shall be arranged in accordance with the provisions of this district for Accessory Uses, and shall be enclosed with a sturdy and protective fence with a height of four feet, but not more than six feet. The building occupied by the use must be compatible with neighborhood structures in dimension, size, and architecture. A drop off area must be provided so that children do not have to walk through the parking lot to enter the facility.
   (b)    Bed and Breakfast. 
   (c)    Churches and Other Similar Places of Worship and Parish Houses. Provided said use occupies a lot of not less than one (1) acre. The minimum lot width is one hundred fifty (150) feet. The lot is adequate to accommodate the required off-street parking requirements of the church in accordance with Chapter 1169. The church building is set back from any adjacent residential property line a distance equal to or greater than the height of the structure exclusive of the steeple or spire. Accessory living quarters may be provided on the church lot as a conditional use. The location, density, and the additional lot area required for such uses shall be subject to approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Accessory recreational uses may be provided on the church lot as a conditional use subject to approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 10-07. Passed 5-14-07.)