All costs incident to towing and storage shall be paid by the vehicle owner to the vehicle towing service and a receipt for payment shall be issued to the owner. The city shall assume no liability or responsibility for any vehicle removed from any place without the authority of the Chief of Police. The vehicle towing service owner shall maintain approved records and claim check systems to ensure release of a vehicle to the rightful owner or authorized person. The records shall be open to the Police Department for investigation of specific complaints and for compiling surveys under §§ 112.61 through 112.69. The owner of any vehicle towing service shall permit any person appointed by the Chief to inspect his or her towing vehicles, vault, security room or storage area at such times as the Chief deems appropriate.
(2000 Code, § 5.62.060) (Am. Ord. 2010-02-0277O, passed 2-23-2010; Am. Ord. 2020-04-0787O, passed 4-14-2020)