Drug Related Materials
136.01 Furnishing to minors
136.02 Positive identification of minors
136.03 Visible warning to minors
136.04 Identification
136.05 Repeat violations
136.06 Possession of drug paraphernalia
136.07 Possession of hypodermic syringes and needles prohibited
136.20 Definitions
136.21 Possession of cannabis
136.22 Manufacture or delivery of cannabis
136.23 Casual delivery of cannabis as possession
136.99 Penalty
(A) It is unlawful to sell, barter, give, exchange, or otherwise furnish to any minor under the age of 21 years any of the following smoking materials or smoking paraphernalia:
(1) Cigarettes, cigars, and loose tobacco;
(2) Prepared smoking plant-derived matter and any synthetic matter which is prepared, packaged, advertised or so furnished for the purpose of smoking;
(3) Smoking devices, accessories and paraphernalia, including cigarette paper, cigarette and cigar rolling machines, pipes, bongs, and any other devices which are manufactured or constructed for use in connection with the preparation or consumption of smoking materials by inhalation.
(B) It is unlawful for any minor under the age of 21 years to purchase or accept delivery of any of the foregoing smoking materials or smoking paraphernalia unless permitted pursuant to the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Program Act (ILCS Ch. 410 Act 130 §§ 100 et seq.).
(Ord. 80-43, passed 4-1-81; Am. Ord. 20-18, passed 5-26-20) Penalty, see § 136.99
Every person contemplating the sale, barter, gift, exchange or furnishing of any smoking materials or paraphernalia described in § 136.01 to any recipient whom the person believes or has reason to believe is under the age of 21 years shall before making such sale, transaction, barter, gift, exchange or delivery demand presentation of positive identification showing the age of the recipient which has been issued by a public officer or public agency in the course of official duties. Repeated or knowing failure to make such demand when required hereunder shall be grounds for the revocation of a retail tobacco license.
(Ord. 80-43, passed 4-1-81; Am. Ord. 20-18, passed 5-26-20) Penalty, see § 136.99