(a)   Each animal impounded pursuant to § 11-23 shall be identified by permanent records which indicate:
      (1)   Date of impoundment;
      (2)   Reason for impoundment;
      (3)   Sex;
      (4)   Color;
      (5)   General description;
      (6)   Breed;
      (7)   Method of acquisition;
      (8)   Identification marks or characteristics; and
      (9)   Note the presence of tattoos on the dog’s ear, jowl, thigh or other parts of the body.
   (b)   Any animal impounded which can be traced to its legal owner will be returned to its owner unless otherwise so provided for by the owner in writing. If the ownership of an animal can be determined, the owner will be notified that the animal is in the custody of the Animal Control Officer. Upon payment of the current impoundment fee, daily maintenance fee and any required vaccination fees, the animal shall be returned to its owner.
   (c)   Any animal which cannot be traced to its legal owner may, after a minimum detainment of five working days, be placed in an adoptive home or subjected to a humane method of euthanasia. No animal may be released from the shelter, either for sale or donation, to research laboratories or related facilities, as breeding stock for puppy mills or wholesalers for further resale, for use in any illegal entrapment or fighting or for human consumption. A permanent record describing the final disposition of an animal, date, names and addresses where applicable and subsequent fees paid shall be kept at all times. Moneys received from fines, fees or adoptive placement will be turned over to the Town Manager for deposit to the Town General Fund.
   (d)   When an animal is presented by the Animal Control Officer of the town to an attending veterinarian and when in the professional judgement of that attending veterinarian the animal should be humanely euthanized because it is suffering from disease and/or injury, then the attending veterinarian in taking action to euthanize the animal shall be acting as an agent for the town and shall not be held professionally liable for his or her decision to euthanize. This policy of indemnification shall only be in effect when the attending veterinarian is acting or performing services in exchange for no remuneration.