The town may enforce this ordinance through the use of any of the equitable remedies in this section (§ 10.06); provided, that if the provisions of § 10.07 apply, they shall supersede any inconsistent provisions in this § 10.06.
   (A)   Stop work order issuance and revocation of all permits.
      (1)   Whenever a building or structure is being constructed, demolished, renovated, altered or repaired in substantial violation of any applicable provision of this ordinance, the Building Official may order the revocation of the zoning permit for such work and request a stop work order be issued by the town. The stop work order shall be in writing, directed to the person doing the work, and shall state the specific work to be stopped, the specific reasons for cessation and the action(s) necessary to lawfully resume work.
      (2)   The town may revoke any zoning permit by written notification to the permit holder when violations of this ordinance have occurred. Permits may be revoked when false statements or misrepresentations were made in securing the permit, work is being or has been done in substantial departure from the approved application or plan, there has been a failure to comply with the requirements of this ordinance, or a permit has been mistakenly issued in violation of this development ordinance.
(Ord. passed 11-2-2011)