The zoning districts are designed to assist in carrying out the intent and purpose of the Comprehensive Plan which is to protect the public health, safety, convenience, and general welfare.
(A) Zoning districts. For the purpose of this chapter, the city is divided into the following districts:
Zoning District Table | ||
District Abbreviation | District Name | Primary District Purpose |
Zoning District Table | ||
District Abbreviation | District Name | Primary District Purpose |
Residential Districts | ||
R-1 | Single Family Residential | Low Density Residential |
R-2 | Mixed Residential | Medium Density Residential |
R-3 | Multiple Family Residential | High Density Residential |
Mixed-Use Districts | ||
MU-1 | Downtown Mixed-Use | Small-scale mixed-use |
MU-2 | Transitional Mixed-Use | Medium-scale mixed-use |
MU-3 | Corridor Mixed-Use | Higher intensity mixed-use and smaller-scale industrial |
Overlay Districts | ||
D-1 | Downtown District Overlay | Dense residential on edges, compressed downtown core |
S-1 | Shoreland Overlay | Protect the quality of surface waters |
Special Districts | ||
LID | Low-Impact Development | Conservations, open space, sustainability |
PUD | Planned Unit Development | Integrated, coordinated development |
Floodplain Districts | ||
F-1 | Floodway District | Provides additional floodplain regulations |
F-2 | Flood Fringe District | Provides additional floodplain regulations |
F-3 | General Floodplain District | Provides additional floodplain regulations |
F-4 | Flood Storage District | Provides additional floodplain regulations |
(B) Zoning map. The location and boundaries of the districts within the city are set forth on the official zoning map, titled "North St. Paul Official Zoning Map." The map and all notations, references and data shown are incorporated by reference into this chapter It shall be the responsibility of the Zoning Administrator to maintain said map, and amendments shall be recorded on said map within 30 days after official publication of amendments. The Official Zoning Map shall be kept on file in the City Hall.
(C) District boundaries.
1. District boundary lines as indicated on the zoning map follow lot lines, the center line of streets or alleys, the center lines of streets or alleys projected and the center of water courses or the corporate limit lines. If district boundary lines do not follow any of the above described lines, the district boundary lines are established as drawn on the zoning map. Where a district boundary line divides a lot of record in two or more districts, any portion of such lot within 50 feet on either side of such a dividing district boundary line may be used for any use of either use district; provided however, if any portion such lot shall extend beyond the 50 foot limitation, the district line as shown shall prevail.
2. Appeals from the Zoning Administrator's determination and questions concerning the exact district boundary lines shall be heard by the Planning Commission and a recommendation made to the City Council.
3. Whenever any street, alley or other public way is vacated by official action of the city, the zoning district abutting the center line of said alley or public way shall not be affected by such proceeding.
(Ord. 739, passed 8-18-2015)