(A)   At least once a year the owner of any septic tank shall measure or arrange for measurement of the depth of sludge and scum in such septic tank and be able to provide written documentation that the inspection was made. When, as a result of such measurement, the top of the sludge layer in the tank or any compartment of the tank is found to be less than 12 inches below the bottom of the outlet baffle or submerged pipe, or if the bottom of the scum layer is less than three inches above the bottom of the septic tank outlet baffle or submerged pipe, the owner shall arrange for the removal and sanitary disposal of sludge and scum from the tank, provided that such requirement for measuring shall be waived for any septic tank which is cleaned as indicated at least once each calendar year.
   (B)   At least once each year the owner of the septic system equipped with a distribution box shall arrange for the opening of the distribution box and removal of any settled solids therein. Such material shall be disposed of to the septic tank or by other means acceptable to the Council.
   (C)   At least once between May 1 and June 30 of each year, the depth of liquid in each seepage pit shall be measured. When, as a result of such measurement it is found that the liquid level in the pit is less than one foot below the inlet, a second measurement shall be made eight to 12 hours after the first measurement, during which time no liquid shall be discharged to the seepage pit. If, as a result of the second measurement, it is found that the liquid level in the pit has not lowered at least two feet during the indicated period of time, either arrangements must be made to connect with the city sanitary and storm sewer system in accordance with this chapter or an additional seepage pit or other acceptable soil absorption system shall be provided if connection with the city sanitary and storm sewer system is unavailable.
(`89 Code, § 162.050) (Am. Ord. 657, passed 12-20-2005)