   The main objective of the city is to eliminate all individual sewer systems as soon as possible. The objectives of this chapter are to provide adequate and safe methods of sewage disposal and to prevent the contamination of any existing or future sewage disposal system.
(`89 Code, § 162.010)
   The provisions of Minn. Rules Chapter 7080, Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Program, as they may be amended from time to time, are adopted by reference. The City Manager shall mark one copy of these Rules as the official copy and file it in his or her office for use and examination.
(`89 Code, § 162.030)
   (A)   No person shall install, alter, repair or extend any individual sewage disposal system in the city if connection to the city sewer service is available. If connection to the city sanitary and storm sewer system is unavailable, no person shall install, repair or extend any individual sewage disposal system in the city without first obtaining a permit therefor from the engineer for the specific installation, alteration, repair or extension. At the time of applying for said permit, a fee to be established by Council resolution shall be paid. The permits shall be valid for a period of six months from date of issue. Application for a permit shall be made in writing upon printed blanks or forms furnished by the City Manager and shall be signed by the applicant.
   (B)   Each application for a permit shall have thereon the correct legal description of the property on which the proposed installation, alteration, repair or extension is to take place, and each application for a permit shall be accompanied by a plot plan of the land showing the location of any proposed or existing building located on the property with respect to the boundary lines of the property and complete plans of the proposed system with substantiating data, if necessary, attesting to the compliance with the minimum standards of this chapter. A complete plan shall include the location, size and design of all parts of the system to be installed, altered, repaired or extended. The application shall also show the present or proposed location of water supply facilities and water supply piping and the name of the person who is to install the system and shall provide such further information as may be required by the Council.
   (C)   If improvements to an individual sewage disposal system, to the lot on which the system lies, to the structures which contribute waste to the system or any other activity requiring a permit, variance or other review by the city are required or proposed, arrangements must be made to connect with the city sanitary and storm sewer system, if available, in accordance with this chapter.
(`89 Code, §162.040) (Am. Ord. 657, passed 12-20-2005) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   At least once a year the owner of any septic tank shall measure or arrange for measurement of the depth of sludge and scum in such septic tank and be able to provide written documentation that the inspection was made. When, as a result of such measurement, the top of the sludge layer in the tank or any compartment of the tank is found to be less than 12 inches below the bottom of the outlet baffle or submerged pipe, or if the bottom of the scum layer is less than three inches above the bottom of the septic tank outlet baffle or submerged pipe, the owner shall arrange for the removal and sanitary disposal of sludge and scum from the tank, provided that such requirement for measuring shall be waived for any septic tank which is cleaned as indicated at least once each calendar year.
   (B)   At least once each year the owner of the septic system equipped with a distribution box shall arrange for the opening of the distribution box and removal of any settled solids therein. Such material shall be disposed of to the septic tank or by other means acceptable to the Council.
   (C)   At least once between May 1 and June 30 of each year, the depth of liquid in each seepage pit shall be measured. When, as a result of such measurement it is found that the liquid level in the pit is less than one foot below the inlet, a second measurement shall be made eight to 12 hours after the first measurement, during which time no liquid shall be discharged to the seepage pit. If, as a result of the second measurement, it is found that the liquid level in the pit has not lowered at least two feet during the indicated period of time, either arrangements must be made to connect with the city sanitary and storm sewer system in accordance with this chapter or an additional seepage pit or other acceptable soil absorption system shall be provided if connection with the city sanitary and storm sewer system is unavailable.
(`89 Code, § 162.050) (Am. Ord. 657, passed 12-20-2005)
   (A)   Notice of violation. Whenever the city finds that a person has violated a prohibition or failed to meet a requirement of this chapter, the city may order compliance by written notice of violation to the responsible person. Such notice may require without limitation:
      (1)   The performance of monitoring, analysis, and reporting;
      (2)   The elimination of illicit connections or discharges;
      (3)   That violating discharges, practices, or operations shall cease and desist;
      (4)   The abatement or remediation of storm water pollution or contamination hazards and the restoration of any affected property;
      (5)   Payment of a fine to cover administrative and remediation costs; and
      (6)   The implementation of source control or treatment BMPs.
   If abatement of a violation and/or restoration of affected property is required, the written notice shall set forth a deadline within which such remediation or restoration must be completed. Said written notice shall further advise that, should the violator fail to remediate or restore within the established deadline, the work will be done by a designated governmental agency or a contractor and the expense thereof shall be charged to the violator.
   (B)    Appeal of notice of violation. Any person receiving a written notice of violation may appeal the determination of the authorized enforcement agency. A written notice of appeal must be received within 15 days from the date of the notice of violation. Hearing on the appeal before the appropriate authority or his/her designee shall take place within 30 days from the date of receipt of the written notice of appeal. The decision of the municipal authority or their designee shall be final.
   (C)   Enforcement measures after appeal. If the violation has not been corrected pursuant to the requirements set forth in the written notice of violation, or, in the event of a written appeal, within 15 days of the decision of the municipal authority upholding the decision of the authorized enforcement agency, then representatives of the authorized enforcement agency shall enter upon the subject private property and are authorized to take any and all measures necessary to abate the violation and/or restore the property. It shall be unlawful for any person, owner, agent or person in possession of any premises to refuse to allow the government agency or designated contractor to enter upon the premises for the purposes set forth above.
   (D)   Cost of abatement of the violation. Within 30 days after abatement of the violation, the owner of the property will receive written notification of the cost of abatement, including administrative costs. The property owner may file a written protest objecting to the amount of the assessment within 15 days. If the amount due is not paid within a timely manner as determined by the decision of the municipal authority or by the expiration of the time in which to file an appeal, the charges shall become a special assessment against the property and shall constitute a lien on the property for the amount of the assessment.
   Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall become liable to the city by reason of such violation.
   (E)    Injunctive relief. It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision or fail to comply with any of the requirements of this chapter. If a person has violated or continues to violate the provisions of this chapter, the authorized enforcement agency may petition for a preliminary or permanent injunction restraining the person from activities which would create further violations or compelling the person to perform abatement or remediation of the violation.
   (F)    Compensatory action. In lieu of enforcement proceedings, penalties, and remedies authorized by this chapter, the authorized enforcement agency may impose upon a violator alternative compensatory actions, such as storm drain stenciling, attendance at compliance workshops, creek cleanup, etc.
   (G)   Violations deemed a public nuisance. In addition to the enforcement processes and penalties provided, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is a threat to public health, safety, and welfare, and is declared and deemed a nuisance, and may be summarily abated or restored at the violator's expense, and/or a civil action to abate, enjoin, or otherwise compel the cessation of such nuisance may be taken.
   (H)   Criminal prosecution. Any person that has violated or continues to violate this chapter shall be liable to criminal prosecution to the fullest extent of the law, and shall be subject to a criminal penalty of $1,000 per violation per day and/or imprisonment for a period of time not to exceed 90 days.
   (I)    Remedies not exclusive. The remedies listed in this chapter are not exclusive of any other remedies available under any applicable federal, state or local law and it is within the discretion of the authorized enforcement agency to seek cumulative remedies. The authorized enforcement agency may recover all attorney's fees, court costs and other expenses associated with enforcement of this chapter, including sampling and monitoring expenses.
(Ord. 735, passed 4-21-2015)