   (A)   This section shall provide standards, establish uniform practices and implement cooperative administration between the cities of Maplewood and North St. Paul in all matters pertaining to sewers and other utilities lying upon streets located along their continuous common borderlines.
   (B)   Sanitary sewers shall be installed on the centerline of borderline streets, and the service therefrom shall be available to properties in both municipalities. Water and gas lines shall likewise be installed in such a manner as to provide service to properties in both municipalities.
   (C)   All plans adopted for any improvement within the dedicated right-of-way of any borderline street common to both municipalities shall be subject to approval of the engineering department of both municipalities.
   (D)   Whenever any improvement can be jointly undertaken by both municipalities, such procedure will be followed so that all benefitted property can be assessed. If the improvement must be done by one city instead of both, the benefit to property in the adjoining city which cannot be assessed by the city which has undertaken the improvement will be subject to connection fees in an amount equal to what the original assessment would have been had the property been subject to assessment, provided that as to street construction no such charge as a connection charge shall apply. Whenever property in one municipality is subject to a connection charge by the other municipality, as hereinbefore provided, the municipality in which such property is located shall not issue a building permit or other privilege to the owner of said property without first notifying the other municipality. Failure to give such notice shall render the municipality in which the property is located subject to and liable for payment of such connection charge to the other municipality if the property owner fails to pay same.
   (E)   All users of utilities shall pay service charges for the use thereof to the municipality which maintains the utility lines; provided that existing users of a sanitary sewer in North St. Paul, whose property is located in North St. Paul, shall pay no greater charge for sewer service than what the City of North St. Paul charges its resident sanitary sewer users. It is intended that SERVICE CHARGE, as used in the preceding sentence, means the total of the annual maintenance charge payable to the Metropolitan Council, the annual service charge payable to the Metropolitan Council and the local annual maintenance charge imposed by North St. Paul.
   (F)   Storm sewer facilities for area drainage affecting or involving borderline streets shall be subject to approval by both municipalities. The cost of such storm sewers shall be shared by both municipalities. The basis upon which the costs of such storm sewers shall be distributed and shared between these municipalities shall be proportional to the amount of square footage of the respective drainage areas lying within the separate municipalities.
(`89 Code, § 160.160)
   (A)   There is approved, adopted and established, in addition to the sewer charge based upon the volume of discharge, a sewer charge upon each person, company or corporation receiving waste treatment services within or served by the city, based upon strength of industrial waste discharged into the sanitary and storm sewer system of the city.
   (B)   The provisions of the current resolution adopted by the Metropolitan Council governing board, which provides for the establishment of a formula to determine pollution qualities and quantities of the sewage used by the industrial user in excess of an annual average base and the proportionate costs of operation and maintenance of waste treatment services provided by said Council, are incorporated in and made a part of this chapter as completely as if set out here in full.
   (C)   The strength charge established by division (A) of this section shall be paid by each industrial user receiving waste treatment services and subject thereto before the twentieth day next succeeding the date of billing thereof to such user by or on behalf of the city, and such payment thereof shall be deemed to be delinquent if not so paid to the billing entity before such date. Furthermore, if such payment is not paid before such date, an industrial user shall pay interest per month on the unpaid balance due at the highest rate allowed by law.
   (D)   If payment of the strength charge established by division (A) of this section is not paid before the sixtieth day next succeeding the date of billing thereof to the industrial user by or on behalf of the city, the delinquent sewer strength charge, plus accrued interest established pursuant to division (C) of this section, shall be deemed to be a charge against the owner, lessee and occupant of the property served, and the city shall certify such unpaid delinquent balance to the County Auditor, with taxes against the property served for collection as other taxes are collected; provided, however, that such certification shall not preclude the city from recovery of such delinquent sewer strength charge and interest thereon under any other available remedy.
(`89 Code, § 160.150) (Am. Ord. 657, passed 12-20-2005)
   The main objective of the city is to eliminate all individual sewer systems as soon as possible. The objectives of this chapter are to provide adequate and safe methods of sewage disposal and to prevent the contamination of any existing or future sewage disposal system.
(`89 Code, § 162.010)
   The provisions of Minn. Rules Chapter 7080, Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Program, as they may be amended from time to time, are adopted by reference. The City Manager shall mark one copy of these Rules as the official copy and file it in his or her office for use and examination.
(`89 Code, § 162.030)
   (A)   No person shall install, alter, repair or extend any individual sewage disposal system in the city if connection to the city sewer service is available. If connection to the city sanitary and storm sewer system is unavailable, no person shall install, repair or extend any individual sewage disposal system in the city without first obtaining a permit therefor from the engineer for the specific installation, alteration, repair or extension. At the time of applying for said permit, a fee to be established by Council resolution shall be paid. The permits shall be valid for a period of six months from date of issue. Application for a permit shall be made in writing upon printed blanks or forms furnished by the City Manager and shall be signed by the applicant.
   (B)   Each application for a permit shall have thereon the correct legal description of the property on which the proposed installation, alteration, repair or extension is to take place, and each application for a permit shall be accompanied by a plot plan of the land showing the location of any proposed or existing building located on the property with respect to the boundary lines of the property and complete plans of the proposed system with substantiating data, if necessary, attesting to the compliance with the minimum standards of this chapter. A complete plan shall include the location, size and design of all parts of the system to be installed, altered, repaired or extended. The application shall also show the present or proposed location of water supply facilities and water supply piping and the name of the person who is to install the system and shall provide such further information as may be required by the Council.
   (C)   If improvements to an individual sewage disposal system, to the lot on which the system lies, to the structures which contribute waste to the system or any other activity requiring a permit, variance or other review by the city are required or proposed, arrangements must be made to connect with the city sanitary and storm sewer system, if available, in accordance with this chapter.
(`89 Code, §162.040) (Am. Ord. 657, passed 12-20-2005) Penalty, see § 10.99