Preliminary and final development plans of proposed public buildings and land improvements in a Public Facilities District shall be submitted, along with maps, surveys and other required information, to the Planning Commission for review, and a public hearing shall be held thereon.
   (a)   Plans Required. Plans for a development shall be drawn at a scale of not less than one inch = 100 feet and shall include:
      (1)   Surveys. Property and topography surveys performed by a registered surveyor, showing land owned and proposed for development, surrounding and adjoining streets, and the adjoining lots and their uses.
      (2)   Buildings. Locations, sizes, height and use of all proposed main and accessory buildings; their general design, exterior materials and color; the nearest building on adjoining lots and its use.
      (3)   Traffic. The proposed system of on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including proposed streets, driveways and sidewalks, details for accessways to streets, methods for control of traffic and the type of pavement.
      (4)   Parking areas. The general layout and an estimate of the number of spaces provided, landscaping and other design features, and the type of pavement.
      (5)   Utilities. The location, size and grade for all utility installations and connections to present or proposed facilities.
      (6)   Site development. The grading plan, design of landscape yards, planting areas and fence screens adjoining residential areas; the size, location and type of all outdoor signs; exterior lighting.
      (7)   Agreements. Preliminary drafts of all agreements, contracts, dedications, deed restrictions, sureties and other instruments as may be required.
   (b)   Submittal of Plans. A preliminary development plan designed in accordance with the planning standards, regulations and criteria established in this Zoning Code and the Subdivision Regulations of the City of North Royalton shall be submitted to the Planning Commission.
   (c)   Approval of Plans. After the approval of the preliminary plan, final plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Planning Commission in accordance with procedures set forth in Chapter 1262. A building permit shall not be issued until such plans are approved by the Planning Commission. In addition to the above requirements, appropriate conditions applying to particular situations may also be specified in the approval and permit, including the standards and criteria listed in Section 1274.09.
   (d)   Length of Approval Time. The approval of a final development plan by the Planning Commission shall become null and void if the construction of the building or site improvements is not started within a twelve-month period after the date of approval.
(Ord. 1988-172. Passed 10-17-88.)