1266.01 Authority of Council; referral to Planning Commission.
1266.02 Map changes; sketch plan required.
1266.03 Planning Commission action.
1266.04 Public hearings; notices.
1266.05 Action by Council.
1266.06 Issuance of building permits.
Municipal zoning - see Ohio R.C. 713.06 et seq.
Notice and hearing on municipal zoning regulations - see Ohio R.C. 713.12
Limitation on procedural challenges - see Ohio R.C. 713.121
Violation of zoning ordinance may be enjoined - see Ohio R.C. 713.13
Retroactive zoning ordinances prohibited; nonconforming uses - see Ohio R.C. 713.15; P. & Z. Ch. 1286
The Council, either on petition of a property owner, on recommendation of the Planning Commission, or on its own initiative, may amend or change the number, shape, area or regulations of or within any zone or district, but no such amendment or change shall become effective unless the proposed amendment or change is first submitted to or considered by the Planning Commission for its approval, disapproval or recommendation. The Commission shall be allowed a reasonable time, to be not less than forty days after referral or submittal, for consideration and report.
(Ord. 1970-232. Passed 9-15-71.)
All petitions for a change in the Zoning Map by a property owner shall be accompanied by a sketch plan showing the type of building, the building location, driveways, parking areas, sanitary and storm sewers and the type of heating to be used.
(Ord. 1972-180. Passed 7-17-74.)
(a) It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Planning Commission to forthwith file with the Director of Legislative Services a report of the action and recommendation of the Commission with respect to any referral or submittal. Failure to file such report within sixty days after referral, or within a time otherwise provided, shall be accepted as and be deemed an approval of the proposed change or amendment submitted.
(b) If a proposed change or amendment is denied by the Planning Commission, the Commission need not reconsider the same change or amendment if resubmitted within six months after the date of the decision unless the underlying conditions have substantially changed.
(Ord. 1970-232. Passed 9-15-71.)
Before any ordinance, measure or regulation amending or changing the number, shape, zoning classification, area or regulations of or within any zone or district may be passed, the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing thereon. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be mailed to the affected property owners (owners of property contiguous to the property in question and across the street therefrom, or within 500 feet, whichever is most inclusive) as they appear in the current records of the County Auditor and shall be mailed fifteen days prior to the public hearing. In lieu of such mailing of notices of affected property owners, Council may, by majority vote of the members elected to Council, order that such notice of the hearing shall be published in two newspapers of general circulation within the City of North Royalton, once a week for two consecutive weeks on the same day of the week, the first of such publications to take place not less than fifteen days prior to the public hearing. In addition, such notice shall be posted at the posting locations established by City Council. During such fifteen days a copy of the text of such ordinance, measure, regulation or proposed change, together with the maps or plans or copies thereof forming part of or referred to in such ordinance, measure, regulation or proposed change, and the maps, plans and reports, shall be on file for public examination in the office of the Planning Commission secretary.
(Ord. 1984-124. Passed 9-5-84; Ord. 14-71. Passed 6-3-14; Ord. 21-154. Passed 10-5-21.)
(a) No such ordinance, measure, regulation or proposed change, which violates, differs from, or departs from, the plans or report submitted by the Planning Commission, shall take effect unless passed or approved by not less than two-thirds of the membership of the Council.
(b) Any such ordinance, measure, regulation or proposed change may be amended by majority vote, prior to the voting thereon by the Council, without further notice or postponement if such amendment is germane to the subject matter and does not violate, or differ from, or depart from, the report of the Planning Commission.
(c) If protest against an amendment is presented, duly signed by the owners of at least fifty-one percent of the land within the area proposed to be altered, such amendment shall not be passed except by a two-thirds vote of all members to Council. If an amendment will transfer an area to a less restricted district and a protest is presented, duly signed by the owners of at least fifty-one percent of the land adjacent to and/or within 500 feet of such an area proposed to be transferred, such amendment shall not be passed except by a two-thirds vote of Council members.
(Ord. 1970-232. Passed 9-15-71.)