(a) Regular Collections. The City shall collect solid waste from single and two-family residential premises, from qualified condominiums and from private residences attached or in combination with a business operation within the City, on regularly scheduled collection days. Such regular collections shall not be more frequent than once per week. Solid waste as set forth in Section 1060.04 shall be placed for collection at the street line of the property on or before 7:00 a.m. of the scheduled day for rubbish collection, but not before sunset of the day prior to the scheduled rubbish collection. Property owners shall remove emptied containers from the street line and return them to their place of storage on the scheduled day of rubbish collection. Containers left at the street line for a period in excess of three days after collection may be confiscated by the Director of Public Service and Properties. Delays in regular collections may occur occasionally due to inclement weather or official holidays. In such cases, the Director of Public Service and Properties may provide for alternative methods of collection.
(Ord. 92-230. Passed 4-20-93.)
(b) Special Collection.
(1) Collections on other than regularly scheduled collection days shall be available upon written or oral application to and approval by the Director. Such special collections shall be subordinate to equipment requirements for the regularly scheduled collections.
(Ord. 1978-244. Passed 11-15-78.)
(2) For solid waste collected on these special collections requested of and approved by the Director, there shall be a charge as set forth in Chapter 214 of the Administration Code.
(Adopting Ordinance)
(3) Residents and/or the safety forces shall notify the Department of Public Service and Properties of carcasses of dead animals found along any street or highway within the City for special pick-up.
(c) Condominium Collections. Condominium homeowners associations desiring rubbish collection to be made by the City shall present a petition to the Director containing the signatures of at least two-thirds of the residents residing within the condominium development. The Director shall, within thirty days after confirmation of the signatures thereon, establish a schedule for rubbish collection in conformity with this chapter.
(Ord. 1978-244. Passed 11-15-78.)