All electric current furnished customers of the city shall be measured by meters of a type as approved by the Utilities Manager. Accounts between the customer and the city shall be kept under a bookkeeping system as shall be provided by the Utilities Manager. All meters shall be read monthly and the electric service meter readings shall be delivered to the Utilities Manager for billing and collection by his or her Department. Statements of monthly electric service bills shall be mailed or delivered to customers each month. All customers shall pay in net cash to the Manager, at his or her office in the city’s Water and Light Building, the amount due the city for electric service or other proper charges due the city for any month. If the customer shall neglect or refuse to pay his or her bill within 10 days after the mailing date designated on his or her bill, the bill shall be considered delinquent. If the bill is not paid by 7 days following mailing of the cutoff notice, service may be discontinued and disconnected until all amounts in arrears are paid in full, together with a fee equivalent to a 1-hour charge at the regular labor charge rate set by the city for the resumption of service.
(Prior Code, § 52-43)