Contracts for electric service are not transferable. Any person wishing to change from 1 location to another shall make a new application and sign a new contract. If any customer shall sell, dispose of or move from the premises where service is furnished, or if the premises are destroyed by fire or other casualty, he or she shall, at once, so inform the Utilities Manager, who shall cause the electric current to be shut off from the premises. If the customer shall fail to give the notice, he or she shall be charged for all electric current used on the premises until the city or its agent is otherwise advised of the change.
(Prior Code, § 52-39)
Should an electric service customer’s meter become out of repair or fail to register properly, the customer will be charged for electric current during the time the meter is out of order or repair on the basis of monthly consumption during the same month of the preceding year; provided, however, if no basis for comparison exists, then the customer shall pay such amount as reasonably fixed by the Utilities Manager.
(Prior Code, § 52-40)
(A) The city does not guarantee the delivery of electric current over the lines of its distribution system at any time, to any person, except when its power and connections are in good working order and it has sufficient power, current, equipment and machinery so to do. The city expressly reserves the right to disconnect or discontinue the service for any of the following reasons:
(1) For repairs necessary to be made on any part of its plant, power house, equipment, system or distribution system;
(2) For non-payment of bills when due;
(3) For fraudulent representations in regard to the consumption of current for light, cooking, heat and power;
(4) For the protection of persons or property; and/or
(5) For violation of any of the rules or requirements of this chapter.
(B) The city shall use due and reasonable diligence to provide and supply uninterrupted service to customers, but shall not be liable for damages resulting from interruption of service due to causes over which the city has no control, and the city expressly reserves the right to discontinue or disconnect any customer’s service without any preliminary notice.
(Prior Code, § 52-41)