   (A)   (1)    The Library Board of the city shall consist of seven voting members and shall be appointed by the City Council. Library Board members shall receive no compensation, but shall be reimbursed for duly authorized expenses.
      (2)   At least four voting members of the Library Board shall be residents of the city. No more than two voting members shall be engaged in the same kind of business or trade or profession.
      (3)   In addition, the Mayor shall appoint, on a revolving basis, one City Council member to serve as an ex officio non-voting member of the Library Board to communicate City Council policy on matters before the Library Board and to be a liaison between the City Council and Library Board.
      (4)   A member may be removed by the City Council, after a hearing, for misconduct or non-performance of duty. Any vacancy shall be filled by the City Council for the unexpired term.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.020)
   (B)   All Library Board member terms shall begin on July 1 and expire on June 30. Each term shall be for a period of four years. Should a Library Board member resign before his or her term has expired, a substitute shall be appointed and approved by the City Council. No person shall hold appointment as a member for more than two full consecutive terms, but any person may be appointed again to the Library Board after an interval of one year. The term of office of a Library Board member serving when this subchapter is adopted shall be the same term of office for which the Library Board member was appointed prior to the adoption of this subchapter, but shall expire June 30.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.030) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011; Ord. 474, passed 8-16-2021)
§ 31.17 VACANCIES.
   Any vacancy occurring on the Library Board shall be filled as provided by this rule.
   (A)   When a vacancy occurs on the Library Board, the City Recorder shall cause to be published a notice of such vacancy, inviting applications to be filed by all interested, qualified candidates. The filing of the written application from any person eligible for such office shall be considered as placing that person in nomination.
   (B)   After the date for filing has expired the City Recorder shall determine whether the candidates are eligible to serve. Applications of qualified individuals shall be forwarded to the Library Board for review, and those nominees shall be interviewed by the Library Board. The Library Board shall make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council shall review the recommendation of the Library Board and may also choose to interview all applicants.
   (C)   When the City Council is satisfied that it has concluded the process of reviewing the qualifications of nominees, the Mayor shall declare the nominations closed and call for a vote.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.040) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011)
§ 31.18 OFFICERS.
   (A)   At the first regular meeting after the beginning of each fiscal year, the Library Board shall elect a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Library Board to be effective immediately.
   (B)   The Chairperson shall preside over Library Board meetings and shall confer with the Library Director to establish meeting agendas.
   (C)   In the Chairperson’s absence from a Library Board meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside over Library Board meetings and exercise other Chairperson responsibilities. In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, the Library Board may select an acting Chairperson who shall have the above duties during such absence.
   (D)   The Library Director shall serve as the Secretary to the Library Board and keep the record of its actions.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.050) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011)
   The Chairperson or Library Board may request the City Council establish ad hoc or standing committees to perform specified functions. Any authority granted to such committees shall be clearly delegated when creating the committee.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.060) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011)
§ 31.20 MEETINGS.
   (A)   (1)   Public notice shall be posted prior to all Library Board meetings and shall be in accordance with the current State Department of Justice Attorney General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual.
      (2)   Meeting notices and agendas regarding Library Board meetings shall be made available via the city website and a printed agenda shall be posted in designated posting locations within the community.
      (3)   Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairperson of the Library Board or by three voting members of the Library Board by written notice served upon each member, the Library Director and the public, at least 24 hours before the time specified for the proposed meeting.
   (B)   The city’s Library Board shall meet at least once a quarter at times and places to be designated by the Library Board. Meetings shall generally be held at 7:00 p.m., on the third Wednesday of each month in the Program Room of the Public Library (31334 NW Commercial Street).
   (C)   (1)   Robert’s Rules of Order, latest revised edition, shall be used as the guideline for conduct of Library Board meetings, except in those cases where specific provisions contrary to Robert’s Rules are provided herein.
      (2)   The Library Board has an obligation to be clear and simple in its procedures and in the consideration of the questions coming before it. It should avoid invoking the finer points of parliamentary rules which may serve only to obscure the issues and arouse the suspicion of the audience at public meetings and the citizens of the city in general.
   (D)   CONFLICTS OF INTEREST is defined in ORS Ch. 244. In the event that any Library Board member shall have an actual or a potential conflict of interest with respect to any matter before the Library Board, the Library Board member shall announce such conflict on the record prior to any consideration, deliberation or decision of the Library Board on the matter and may be excused from the Library Board until consideration of the matter is complete. In any vote on such a matter, an excused Library Board member shall not be considered present for purposes of a quorum.
   (E)   Board members are responsible to:
      (1)   Attend scheduled Library Board meetings;
      (2)   Come prepare to contribute to the discussion of issues and business to be addressed at scheduled meetings, having read the agenda and all background material;
      (3)   Discuss openly and weigh carefully matters which may come before the Board expressing and exploring diverse viewpoints;
      (4)   Respect the confidential nature of Library business while being aware of and in compliance with state’s Public Records Law, being ORS 192.001 et seq.;
      (5)   Fulfill state and city legal requirements such as reviewing bills and conducting business according to statutes and ordinances; and
      (6)   Respect and support the majority decision of the Library Board.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.070) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011)
§ 31.21 QUORUM.
   (A)   A majority of the voting members of the Library Board shall constitute a quorum.
   (B)   The Chairperson or, in his or her absence, the Vice-Chairperson of the Library Board shall call the meeting to order at the hour designated for the meeting. If a quorum is not present, the Library Director shall immediately inform the absent members, except those known to be unavoidably detained, that their presence is required to enable the Library Board to proceed. If the absent member or members do not appear after the notice, the members present shall adjourn until a specific time or until the next regular meeting.
   (C)   Library Board members who are unable to attend meetings are asked to notify the Library Board Chairperson and Library Director as soon as possible. If a Board member does not contact the Library Director or the Board Chairperson, his or her absence shall be considered an unexcused absence. Two unexcused absences are grounds for dismissal from the Library Board.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.080) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011)
§ 31.22 AGENDAS.
   (A)   Agenda development.
      (1)   The Chairperson and Library Director shall prepare an agenda of the business to be presented at a Library Board meeting. The order of discussion of business at Library Board meetings shall be determined by the Chairperson of the Library Board or by the Library Director. Agendas for each meeting shall be submitted by the Library Director to the City Recorder for posting purposes.
      (2)   The Library Board agenda shall include the flag salute, roll call, approval of prior minutes, communications from the public on non-agenda items, new business, old business, staff reports and other agenda categories as directed by the Chairperson or Library Board.
      (3)   Each agenda shall include the time, date and place of the meeting and a brief description of the matters to be considered.
      (4)   Library Board members may request of the Chairperson or Library Director that specific items be placed on an agenda. Matters raised as “new business” which are not itemized as agenda items shall, unless emergency conditions exist, or upon majority vote of the Board, be deferred to the next regular or special meeting as an agenda item.
      (5)   No item of business shall be added to an agenda after 5:00 p.m. on the Friday of the week preceding the week of the Library Board meeting for which the agenda has been prepared.
      (6)   The Board shall vote on only matters that appear on the agenda for that meeting. Library Board members and the Chairperson shall endeavor to have subjects they wish considered submitted in time to be placed on the agenda.
   (B)   Consent agenda. In order to make more efficient use of meeting time, the Chairperson may place requests for minute approval and other items which are routine in nature and concerning which no debate is expected on a “consent agenda” to be considered at the next regular meeting. Any item placed on the consent agenda shall be removed for separate discussion at the request of the Chairperson or a Library Board member prior to the time a vote is taken on the consent agenda items. All remaining items on the consent agenda shall be disposed of by a single motion “to adopt the consent agenda”, which shall not be debatable. Adoption of the consent agenda shall be by the affirmative vote of all Library Board members present at the time the vote is taken and shall have the same effect as a separate vote for each item. If there are dissenting votes, each item in the consent agenda shall be voted upon separately in the usual manner.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.090) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011)
§ 31.23 MINUTES.
   (A)   Minutes of each meeting shall be submitted by the Library Director to the City Recorder and shall include at least the following information:
      (1)   All members of the Library Board present;
      (2)   All motions, proposals, orders and rules proposed and their dispositions;
      (3)   The results of all votes and the vote of each Library Board member; and
      (4)   The substance of any discussion on any matter.
   (B)   The written minutes shall be available to the public for inspection at City Hall upon agenda distribution for the subsequent meeting and shall be maintained as a permanent record of the actions of the Library Board by the City Recorder.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.100) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011)
§ 31.24 VOTING.
   (A)   The vote on every motion shall be taken by voice vote or roll call and entered in full upon the record. It shall not be in order for members to explain their vote during roll call. Any member may change his or her vote prior to the next order of business.
   (B)   When a question is taken, every member when a question is taken shall vote unless a majority of the Library Board, for special reason, shall excuse said person, but no member shall be permitted to vote on any subject in which he or she has a direct pecuniary interest or in which there is a conflict or potential conflict of interest.
(Prior Code, § 1.25.110) (Ord. 302, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 311, passed 11-3-2003; Ord. 377, passed 11-17-2008; Ord. 390, passed 5-3-2010; Ord. 393, passed 6-20-2011)