(a)   The storage, use and distribution of personal information of employees of North Perry Village is as follows:
      (1)   Official File:  The official personnel file of each employee will be maintained in the Fiscal Officer's office.  Job-related and personal information regarding each employee will be retained in the official personnel file, including basic identification information, completed employment applications, personnel/payroll change forms, performance evaluations, employment related actions and other job-related information.
      (2)   File Inspection:  Upon reasonable notice, current employees will be permitted to inspect and copy (at designated copy costs) the information in their files.  Individuals will be given access to their files only in the presence of the mayor or fiscal officer at a mutually convenient work time or their own time.  Employees are not permitted to remove any personnel files from the Fiscal Officer's office.
      (3)   Disputes:  If an employee disputes any information contained in his file, he has a right to submit in writing a statement describing his account of the events.  The employee's statement will be kept with the disputed material.
      (4)   Access by Others:  An employee's personnel file shall not be made available to any person or organization other than the Village or its designated representatives, except as required by the Ohio Open Records Act or pursuant to subpoena.
      (5)   Internal Access:  Internal access to a personnel file is limited to Village supervisors who have a legitimate need to know specific information about the employee.
      (6)   External Access:  No personnel information will be disclosed to any party outside the Village unless the current or former employee provides a signed consent to release such information, except as otherwise set forth above.  Current employees shall be advised when as required by the Ohio Open Records Act or subpoena their personnel file is made available to any person or organization other than the Village or its designated representatives.
      (7)   Unauthorized Use:  Unauthorized use of the UAN database and / or employee personnel files maintained in the fiscal office is prohibited.  Disciplinary action from the mayor and / or elected officials may be forthcoming.
   (b)   Policy:   North Perry Village Information Systems (UAN) is committed to protecting North Perry Village employees and the Village from illegal or damaging actions by individuals, either knowingly or unknowingly.
      (1)   Internet/Intranet/Extranet-related systems, including but not limited to computer equipment, software, operating systems, storage media, network accounts providing electronic mail, world wide web browsing and FTP(file transfer protocol) are the property of North Perry Village.  These systems are to be used for business purposes in serving the interests of the Village and its employees in the course of normal operations.
      (2)   The confidentiality of information contained within particular applications, such as financial systems, human resources and payroll systems are controlled by security rights established within the application.  Data is stored in a database system with appropriate security to prevent unauthorized access.  Employees given access to those applications should take all necessary steps to prevent unauthorized access to information which they have access to. 
      (3)   Confidentiality of information contained in individual documents stored on a central server will have protection provided by the file security of the server and network security system.    System Administrators may also have access to these areas for monitoring purposes. 
         (Ord. 10-10.  Passed 12-2-10.)