   30.01   Organization of city government
   30.02   Elective officers; appointed officials
   30.03   Eligibility for office
   30.04   Notice; oath; bond
   30.05   Filling vacancies in office
   30.06   Reserved
   30.07   Reserved
   30.08   Credit card policy
   30.09   Purchasing policies; purchasing agency and agents
   30.10   Ordinance Violation Deferral Program
   30.11   Reverse auction procedures
   The government of the city shall consist of four branches, those being the following.
   (A)   Executive branch.
   (B)   Legislative branch.
   (C)   Judicial branch.
(Ord. 1479, passed - -83; Am. Ord. 53-12-18, passed 12-18-18)
   (A)   The elective officers of the city, elected in accordance with the provisions of the state election laws, shall be:
      (1)   The Mayor;
      (2)   The Clerk;
      (3)   The members of the Common Council; and
      (4)   The City Judge.
   (B)   The Mayor shall appoint:
      (1)   A City Civil Engineer;
      (2)   Corporation Counsel;
      (3)   A Chief of the Fire Department;
      (4)   A Chief of the Police Department;
      (5)   A Controller; and
      (6)   Other officers, employees, boards, and commissions required by statute.
   (C)   The members of the Board of Public Works and Safety may be the Mayor and four persons appointed by the Mayor or five persons appointed by the Mayor. I.C. 36-4-4-2 notwithstanding, a member may hold other appointive or elective positions in city government during the member's tenure. I.C. 36-4-11-2 applies to board member appointments under this section. The City Clerk is the Clerk of the Board.
(I.C. 36-4-9-6) (‘61 Code, § 3.1) (Am. Ord. 35-04-16, passed 4-26-16; Am. Ord. 53-12-18, passed 12-18-18; Am. Ord. 07-02-20, 3-10-20)
   No person shall be eligible for any city office unless he shall have been a resident of the city for at least one year immediately preceding his election, nor shall any person be eligible for the office of councilman to represent any district unless for the last 6 months of his residence in the city he shall have been a resident of such district. Should any city officer cease to be a resident of the city, or any councilman representing any district cease to be a resident of such district, during his term of office, such office shall at once become vacant.
(Am. Ord. 53-12-18, passed 12-18-18)
Statutory reference:
   Residency requirements for Mayor, see IC 36-4-5-2
   Residency requirements for Council, see IC 36-4-6-2
   Residency requirements for Clerk, see IC 36-4-10-3
   (A)   (1)   Every officer and every deputy, before entering on the officer’s or deputy’s official duties, shall take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Indiana, and that the officer or deputy will faithfully discharge the duties of such office.
      (2)   A prosecuting attorney and a deputy prosecuting attorney shall take the oath required under division (B)(1) before taking office.
   (B)   The City Controller, City Judge, Clerk and all employees, contractors of the City whose official duties include receiving, processing, depositing, disbursing, or otherwise having access to funds that belong to the City, the federal government, the State of Indiana, a political subdivision thereof, or another government entity, shall execute a bond, pursuant to I.C. § 5-4-1-18 et seq., in the required minimum statutory amounts and on the forms prescribed by the State Board of Accounts. The Common Council may also: (1) direct any employee to file an individual bond; (2) may approve bond amounts greater than the statutory minimum; (3) allow for blanket bonds in an aggregate coverage sufficient to cover all officers, employees, and contractors required to be bonded by statute; and (4) allow for crime insurance policies providing for additional acts or omissions committed by officers, employees or contractors.
   (C)   Any person who shall not file his oath, or oath and bond, as the case may be, with the proper officer within ten days after the beginning of the term for which he shall have been elected or appointed shall be deemed to have refused to serve, and the office shall be deemed to be vacant.
(‘61 Code, § 3.7) (Am. Ord. 53-12-18, passed 12-18-18)