A. Upon proper application made, requests for reasonable accommodation shall be reviewed by the Director of Code Enforcement using the criteria set forth ) herein.
B. The Director shall issue a written decision on a request for reasonable accommodation within thirty (30) days of the date of the application and may either grant, grant with modifications, or deny a request for reasonable accommodation in accordance with the required findings set forth below.
C. If necessary to reach a determination on the request for reasonable accommodation, the Director may request further information from the applicant consistent with fair housing laws, specifying in detail the information that is required. In the even that a request for additional information is made, the thirty (30) day period to issue a decision shall be stayed until the applicant responds to the request.
(Am. Ord. O-2017-003, passed 1-23-2017)
The written decision to grant, grant with modifications, or deny a request for reasonable accommodation shall be consistent with fair housing laws and based on the following factors.
A. Whether the housing, which is the subject of the request for reasonable accommodation, will be used by an individual with a recognized handicap as defined herein and protected under fair housing laws.
B. Whether the requested accommodation is necessary to make housing available to an individual with a recognized handicap protected under the fair housing laws.
C. Whether the requested accommodation would impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the city.
D. Whether the requested accommodation would require a fundamental alteration in the nature of the City’s land use or zoning regulations, codes or related programs.
E. The requested accommodation will not result in a direct threat to the health, safety or welfare of other individuals or cause physical damage to the property of others.
F. Whether the requested accommodation is necessary to make facilities of a similar nature economically viable in light of the particularities of the relevant market and market participants.
G. Whether the existing supply of facilities of a similar nature and operation in the community is already sufficient to provide individuals with a recognized handicap an equal opportunity to live in a residential setting.
H. The city shall consider the following factors upon any request for accommodation:
1. Whether the requested accommodation would fundamentally alter the character of the neighborhood;
2. Whether the requested accommodation would result in a substantial increase in traffic or insufficient parking;
3. Whether granting the requested accommodation would substantially undermine any express purpose of the city’s Comprehensive Plan; and
4. Whether the requested accommodation would create an institutionalized environment due to the number of and distance between facilities that are similar in nature or operation.
(Am. Ord. O-2017-003, passed 1-23-2017)
A. The Director shall render a written decision on the request for reasonable accommodation within thirty (30) days of receipt. The written decision on the request for reasonable accommodation shall explain in detail the basis of the decision, including the Director’s findings on the criteria set forth herein. The written decision shall give notice of the applicant’s right to appeal and to request reasonable accommodation in the appeals process as set forth below. The notice of decision shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail.
B. The written decision of the Director shall be deemed final unless an applicant appeals the decision to the Board of Adjustment within the prescribed time period.
C. In the event the Director fails to render a written decision within the prescribed period of time, the request shall be advanced to the City Manager for final determination, who shall make such written determination within ten (10) days thereof. In the event that a written determination is not issued within forty (40) days of the request it shall be automatically be deemed as granted.
D. While a request for reasonable accommodation is pending, all laws and regulations otherwise applicable to the property that is the subject of the request shall remain in full force and effect.
E. The Director shall be required to maintain records of requests for reasonable accommodation or modification and the response thereto, including final written decisions.
(Am. Ord. O-2017-003, passed 1-23-2017)
A. Within thirty (30) days of the date of the Director’s written decision, an applicant may appeal an adverse decision. Appeals from the adverse decision shall be made in writing to the Board of Adjustment within the prescribed period of time.
B. If an applicant needs assistance in filing an appeal on an adverse decision, the city will provide assistance to ensure that the appeals process is properly undertaken.
C. All appeals shall contain a statement of the grounds for the appeal.
D. Nothing in this procedure shall preclude an aggrieved individual from seeking any other state or federal remedy available.
(Ord. O-2016-014, passed 6-22-2016; Am. Ord. O-2017-003, passed 1-23-2017)