(A) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BEFORE THE CITY. Before the Board of Commissioners, a City board or commission or a City official or employee.
CASE, PROJECT or MATTER. Specific cases, projects or regulatory matters, rather than generic policies, procedures or legislation of general application. For instance, the zoning process or site plan review process is not a CASE, PROJECT or MATTER within the meaning of this section; however, a specific zoning case or site plan would constitute a CASE, PROJECT or MATTER subject to the restrictions imposed in this section. It is not the intent of this subchapter and this subchapter shall not be construed, to prohibit the practice of any profession or occupation by former City officials and employees.
REPRESENT. All communications with and appearances before the City in which the City is asked to make a decision. The term REPRESENT does not include communications and appearances in matters involving only ministerial action on the part of the City.
(B) In any formal or informal appearance before the City, a person representing a person or entity, which person or entity employs a former City official or employee who had discretionary authority over the project or matter for which the person or entity is appearing before the City, shall disclose any former involvement of the former City official or employee in the project or matter. This disclosure requirement shall be in effect for 24 months after the former City official or City employee leaves City service or employment.
(C) This section shall not apply to persons who left the service or employment of the City prior to the effective date of the ordinance from which this subchapter derives.
(1995 Code, § 2.52.050)
No City official or employee or former City official or employee shall disclose or use confidential information acquired by virtue of his or her municipal employment or office; provided that, disclosure may be made when required by state law or federal law or by a court order.
(1995 Code, § 2.52.060) Penalty, see § 39.99
Nothing in this subchapter shall prohibit a former City official or employee from entering into a contract to represent the City in any matter or entering into other employment, as long as confidential and/or privileged information or data obtained by their employment with the City is not used or disclosed to or by others.
(1995 Code, § 2.52.070)
(A) No person shall willfully make any false statement, certificate, mark, rating or report in regard to any test, certification, appointment or investigation, or in any manner commit any fraud, conceal any wrongdoing or knowingly withhold information about wrongdoing in connection with employment with the City or in connection with the work-related conduct of any City employee or officer.
(B) No person seeking appointment to or promotion in the service of the City shall, either directly or indirectly, give, render or pay any money, service or other valuable thing to any person for, on account of or in connection with his or her test, appointment, proposed appointment, promotion or proposed promotion; provided, however, that, this provision shall not apply to payments made to duly licensed employment agencies.
(1995 Code, § 2.52.080) Penalty, see § 39.99
No City official or employee shall recommend that a family member or immediate family member be employed in any position with the City. All efforts should be made to prevent a situation in which an employee may be able directly to supervise, control or influence the work or employment status of a family member or immediate family member or the affairs of the organizational unit in which a family member or immediate family member is employed. Nothing contained herein shall restrict or hinder the promotion or demotion of existing employees, nor the hiring of a family member or immediate family member on a competitive basis.
(1995 Code, § 2.52.090) Penalty, see § 39.99