Every officer accepting a forfeited penalty or money deposit under this title shall receipt therefor in triplicate, as provided in Wis. Stats. § 345.26(3)(b). Every officer accepting a stipulation under the provisions of this title shall comply with the provisions of Wis. Stats. §§ 345.26(1)(a), 345.27, 345.27(2), and 345.28.
(Prior Code, § 7.15)
Citations for all parking violations under this title shall conform to Wis. Stats. § 345.28, and shall permit direct mail payment of the applicable forfeiture to the Police Department within ten days of the issuance of the citation in lieu of a court appearance. Overtime parking forfeitures may be deposited at the Village Treasurer/Deputy Clerk’s office. The citation shall specify thereon the amount of the applicable forfeiture as provided in this title.
(Prior Code, § 7.15)
When any vehicle is found upon a street, highway, or other public right-of-way in violation of any provision of this code regulating the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles and the identity of the operator cannot be determined, the owner, as shown by the ownership registration of the vehicle supplied by the state’s Department of Transportation, or a comparable authority of any other state, shall be deemed to have committed the violation for purposes of the enforcement of this section and shall be subject to the applicable forfeiture penalty; provided, however, that the defenses defined and described in Wis. Stats. § 346.485(5) shall be a defense for an owner charged with such violation.
(Prior Code, § 7.15)
Pursuant to the provisions of Wis. Stats. § 345.28(4), the village elects to participate in the nonmoving traffic violation and registration program of the state’s Department of Transportation and pay the costs established by the Department under Wis. Stats. § 85.13; such costs shall in turn be assessed against persons charged with nonmoving traffic violations. The Village Attorney shall be responsible for complying with the requirements set forth in Wis. Stats. § 345.28(4).
(Prior Code, § 7.15)
Every police officer issuing a citation for any violation of this title shall indicate on the citation the amount of the deposit that the alleged violator may make in lieu of court appearance. The amount of the deposit shall be determined in accordance with the village’s Bond Schedule, which is hereby adopted by reference.
(Prior Code, § 7.15)
Any police officer accepting deposits or forfeited penalties under this chapter shall deliver them to the Washington County Clerk of Courts, the Ozaukee County Clerk of Courts or Mid-Moraine Municipal Court Clerk respectively, within 20 days after receipt, except for parking forfeitures which shall be turned over to the Village Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § 7.15) (Ord. 02-2016, passed 2-11-2016)
(A) The penalty for violation of any provision of this title shall be a forfeiture as hereafter provided, together with statutory court costs and penalty assessment, if applicable.
(1) State forfeiture statutes. Forfeitures for violation of Wis. Stats. Chapters 340 through 349 shall conform to the forfeiture permitted to be imposed for violation of the statutes adopted by reference, including any variations or increases for subsequent offenses.
(2) State fine statutes. The forfeiture for violation of any statute adopted by reference hereunder for which the penalty is a fine shall not exceed the maximum fine permitted under such statute.
(4) Penalty for parking violations. Notwithstanding any other penalty provided in this title, the forfeiture for parking violations other than those violations contained in the state statutes, as adopted by reference in § 70.01, shall be as hereinafter provided, in addition to any costs associated with the prosecution thereof which are required or authorized by state statute or administrative regulation, as follows in division (B).
(B) (1) The table of forfeitures for: 2-hour zone, 24-hour violation, Doubled parked, Illegally parked heavy vehicles, Illegally parked causing heavy traffic hazard, Loading zone, No parking zone, No parking 2:30 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., Not a parking space, Other, Parked in zone for physically disabled parking, Parking on private property without consent, Parking on sidewalk area, Permit only, Posted restrictions, Winter parking, Within 4 feet - blocked driveway, Within 15 feet of crosswalk, and Wrong side of road, as provided in § 36.04.
(2) The amount of the forfeiture for any violation of this division (B) shall be doubled if not paid within seven days of the issuance of the citation.
(3) In addition to the applicable forfeiture, failure to pay the forfeiture within 28 days of the issuance of the citation shall result in an assessment of $10 for the cost of using the state traffic violation and registration program and related procedures under Wis. Stats. § 345.28.
(4) In addition to all applicable forfeitures, those illegally parked vehicles which cause a traffic hazard shall be towed and the owner of such vehicle shall be charged the towing and storage costs.
(Prior Code, § 7.14) (Ord. 9-00, passed 12-14-2000; Ord. 1-2013, passed 8-22-2013; Ord. 03-2019, passed 2-14-2019)