(A)   Duty to install uniform traffic control devices. Whenever traffic regulations created by this title, including a state traffic regulation adopted by reference in § 70.01, require the erection of traffic control devices for enforcement, the Chief of Police, with the cooperation of the Director of Public Works, shall procure, erect, and maintain uniform traffic control devices conforming to the Uniform Traffic Control Device Manual promulgated by the state’s Department of Transportation, giving notice of such traffic regulation to the users of the streets and highways on which such regulations apply. Whenever state law grants discretion to local authorities in erecting or placement of a uniform traffic control device, devices shall be erected in such locations and in such a manner as, in the judgment of the Chief of Police, will carry out the purposes of this title and give adequate warning to users of the streets and highways of the village.
   (B)   Official traffic map.
      (1)   Established. There is hereby established for the village an Official Traffic Map, dated 2010, on which is indicated, as of said date, all existing stop signs; arterial intersections; yield signs; no stopping, standing, or parking areas; prohibited U-turns; handicapped parking areas; loading zones; school zones and school crossings; and children’s play areas. All such restrictions and limitations set forth on said Official Traffic Map are hereby adopted by reference.
      (2)   Additions to map. The Village Board may from time to time make additions to, or deletions from, the Official Traffic Map and the Chief of Police shall keep such Official Traffic Map current. Every addition to said Official Traffic Map made after April 1, 1991, shall indicate the number of the authorizing resolution and the date the appropriate official traffic control device was erected, and every deletion shall indicate the number of the authorizing resolution.
      (3)   Map to be maintained. The Official Traffic Map shall be maintained and displayed in the office of the Police Department. The Chief of Police shall make appropriate authorized changes on said Map within three working days after the appropriate official traffic control device is erected or removed, as the case may be.
      (4)   Violations prohibited. When official traffic control devices, giving notice of the restrictions, prohibitions, and limitations shown on the Official Traffic Map, are erected and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section, a violation of the restriction, prohibition, or limitation shown on the Official Traffic Map shall be a violation of the provisions of this section.
   (C)   Village Hall parking lot regulations.
      (1)   No person, except village officials, shall park in spaces designated “Village Officials Parking Only”.
      (2)   No person, except police officers, shall park in spaces designated “Police Officers Parking Only”.
      (3)   In the spaces marked “For Village Business Only” in the Village Hall parking lot, parking is limited to village business only.
   (D)   Prohibited signs and markers. No person other than an officer authorized by this chapter to erect and maintain official traffic control devices, or his or her designee, shall place within the limits of any street or highway maintained by the village any sign, signal, marker, mark, or monument unless permission is first obtained from the Chief of Police or the state’s Highway Commission. Any sign, signal, marker, mark, or monument placed or maintained in violation of this section shall be subject to removal, as provided in division (E) below.
   (E)   Removal of unofficial signs and the like. The Chief of Police may direct the Director of Public Works to remove any sign, signal, marker, or other device which is placed, maintained, or displayed in violation of this section or state law. Any charge imposed against premises for removal of a prohibited or illegal sign, signal, marker, or device shall be reported by the Director of Public Works to the Village Board for review and certification at its next regular meeting following the imposition of the charge. Any charge not paid on or before the next succeeding November 15 shall be placed upon the tax roll for collection as other special municipal taxes.
(Prior Code, § 7.02)  (Ord. 4-02, passed 4-25-2002)  Penalty, see § 70.99