(A) Purpose and intent. The I-2 Industrial Park District is hereby created in order that there be areas within the village which are used exclusively for industry, manufacturing, processing, and related operations, and which are incompatible with the residential, commercial and other industrial areas of the village. It is the intent of this chapter that these areas be reserved exclusively for industrial and related purposes.
(B) Principal permitted uses.
(2) Uses permitted in the C-2 District.
(C) Prohibited uses. No building or structure located within the I-2 District shall be used for any type of dwelling unit, tourist home, rooming house or group dwelling.
(D) Parking.
(1) Off-street parking and loading for manufacturing, industrial, or processing establishments shall be one off-street parking space for each three employees on the maximum working shift.
(2) Off-street parking for commercial uses first permitted in the C-l and C-2 Districts shall be as prescribed for the C-2 District.
(3) No on street parking will be permitted.
(E) Area, yard and height requirements. Area, yard, and height requirements shall be as prescribed in § 152.35. In addition to area, yard, and height requirements in § 152.35, when an industrial or commercial use in the I-2 District abuts any residential district, side or rear yard, or both, a setback of 50 feet is required.
(F) Restrictions.
(1) All buildings, styles and colors shall be designed and selected to blend and compliment the entire area.
(2) At least 15% of the front elevation shall be comprised of stone or brick.
(3) Signs attached to buildings must blend into the character of the building, and shall not extend above the height of the building.
(a) A total of 80 square feet per site will be the maximum allowable. This includes double sided ground signs or a mix of building mounted and ground signs.
(b) Signs that direct movement of traffic are excluded from the 80 square feet.
(c) Free standing signs shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
(4) Storage.
(a) All storage areas or scrap areas are to be enclosed and away from public view.
(b) Collection pits will be installed in each structure where machining coolants or other liquid contaminants are used.
(5) Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be provided for safety and security.
(6) Parking lots. All parking lots for visitors or visible from the public street shall be improved with blacktop or concrete. Lots not visible to the public may be graveled, but blacktop or concrete is recommended.
(7) All utility lines to be underground if practical.
(8) Landscaping. All lots are to be landscaped and maintained to provide an attractive site.
(a) Plantings must be designed to provide for evergreen and deciduous trees.
(b) Sizes. Deciduous shall be at least 2½ in caliper and evergreens 6-8 feet tall (excluding any planting adjacent to the building.)
(9) Loading docks. No loading docks may face the primary street. Loading docks may face a secondary street.
(Ord. 1989-3-8, passed 6-13-89; Am. Ord. 1994-6-16, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 1995-8-23, passed - - 95)