Within the village, no lot, land, premises, place or buildings shall be used, and no buildings or structures shall be erected or placed, which are arranged, intended, or designed to be used for any of the following specified uses:
(A) Abattoirs and slaughter houses, distillation of bones, manufacture or storage of explosives, fireworks, or gunpowder, quarrying, mining or petroleum production, hog farms, pyroxylin or celluloid manufacture, and manufacture of explosive or inflammable pyroxylin products, stockyards, manufacture or industrial use of sulphurous, sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric, or other corrosive or offensive acids, tanning, curing, or storage of raw hides or skins, or similar dangerous and noisome uses.
(B) Mobile home parks or single trailers used as residences.
(C) Billboards.
(D) Rear dwellings.
(E) Junk yards.
(Ord. 1969-11-22, passed 11- -69)