Ground mounted and roof mounted structures shall be defined as antennas, flag poles, overhead lighting and security/weather equipment and shall be subject to the following requirements:
   (A)   Ground mounted structures installed in any zoning district shall be limited to side yard and rear yard areas;
   (B)   Setbacks for all ground mounted structure installations shall be minimum of five feet from any property line, a minimum of 15 feet from any public right-of-way, and of a sufficient safe distance from all overhead and/or underground power lines as determined by the Zoning Inspector. Placement of a ground mounted structure within an easement shall be prohibited;
   (C)   Roof mounted structures in any zoning district shall be located on the rearward portion of the roof as viewed from the front yard and shall be limited to a maximum height of 20 feet above the highest roof peak. Roof installation shall be mounted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and be properly secured to prevent damage from wind and snow loads;
   (D)   Ground mounted structures in any zoning district shall not exceed a maximum overall height of 65 feet;
   (E)   All ground mounted and roof mounted structures shall be properly grounded, resistant to lightning strikes, and meet all Electrical Code requirements;
   (F)   All ground mounted and roof mounted structures shall be noncorrosive, designed, engineered and permanently installed to withstand wind and snow loads as specified by the Ohio Basic Building Code;
   (G)   All ground mounted structures shall be anchored into the ground as recommended by the manufacturer. If manufacturer's specifications are not available, the applicant shall supply calculations defining the depth and width of the anchor. The Village Engineer shall review these calculations. The applicant will pay all costs associated with this review to the Village Engineer.
   (H)   A building permit shall be required prior to the installation of any ground mounted structures exceeding 20 feet in height. Installation instructions, sketches, site plans and/or other documents shall be submitted in accordance with the Zoning Inspectors requirements, for the purpose of verifying the provisions of this section.
(Ord. 2002-10-35, passed 11-12-02)